Ricciardi: “The virus circulates a lot Lockdown necessary in Naples and Milan”



«In Milan and Naples you can take Covid by entering the bar, the restaurant, taking the bus. Being in close contact with a positive is very easy because the virus circulates a lot. In these areas the blockade is necessary, in other areas of the country it is not. Walter Ricciardi, professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University and advisor to the Minister of Health, once again calls for selective closures in the areas where the virus circulates the most, because “there are areas of the country where transmission is exponential and the latest restrictions adopted, it can be effective in the rest of the territory, in those areas they are not enough to stop the infection ”.

Regarding the criticism for the closure of cinemas and theaters, scheduled in the last Dpcm, Ricciardi responds: «If you are in Milan it is a place where you can also take it to the cinema. In other cities the situation is not the same. In Milan and Naples, any activity that involves approaching people in closed spaces is unthinkable “. In fact, he added, we are in the presence of “thousands of asymptomatic subjects who return home, where they do not wear a mask, kiss and hug each other.”


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