Florence, October 27, 2020 – On containment of the pandemic, the Tuscan governor Eugenio GianI go with a light hand. Those who, given the advance of the virus that crossed the psychological threshold of two thousand positives registered in a single day (2,171 yesterday), expected greater restrictions on Tuscany with respect to the provisions of Dpcm, I was disappointed. The others ask to insist on enlarging the tights.
Closer to Matteo Renzi’s approach than that of his predecessor Enrico Rossi, Giani announces that there will be no curfew from midnight to 5, a measure already in force in other regions, such as Lazio, Lombardy, Campania and Piedmont. “It would have marginal effects – explains the Tuscan president – The curfew occurs in a very serious emergency, forcing everyone to stay at home, as happened with the first closure, but otherwise affect the mobility of people does not seem to have an effect equal to the drama of the sacrifice. At midnight no one is out. “
While part of the scientific world is calling for a tougher line. The adviser to the Ministry of Health, Water Ricciardi believes that “another blockade is necessary.” “It is the way forward – he explains – the one outlined by an investigation of the University of Edinburgh published in the Lancet last week”.
Open the sky. The economic categories complain of the serious consequences due to the new Dpcm, much less the blockade. With them also the Acli and Arci clubs – 1,500 in Tuscany – that fear having to close their activities, with significant social repercussions.
Following the line of the president of the Conference of Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, who plans to ask the government if there could be any correction, today Giani will meet with the representatives of the categories to evaluate possible interventions in the shopping centers: week or quota?
Even in the school world, Tuscan President Giani sticks to the national device: admissions no earlier than 9 a.m. and 75% of high school students who will do remote teaching in rotation, his original idea of keeping 50% at home has vanished. of the students, always rotating, but leaving the first students in the classroom, who are too young, and the students on the sidelines who must pass the maturity test.
Effort of the Region in local public transport: with an additional allocation of 4 million euros, in addition to the 3 already allocated at the end of August, we are moving towards a 50% reduction in bus capacity. The offer will be reinforced with additional services also thanks to the use of 200 tourist buses and NCC.
However, not everyone in the Democratic Party thinks the same way. Concerned about the situation in the metropolitan area, the mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, has assembled a working group. During the first pandemic wave, the first citizen of the Tuscan capital had never approached the most exquisite subjects of health organization with such ingenuity. “The situation is serious and must be closely monitored – he says – We are in constant contact with the ASL, with the directors of the hospitals and the Region. Yesterday I met the Covid emergency working group that I will consult every day to evaluate the actions I spoke with the director of the Careggi hospital and the director of the ASL Toscana center: they assured me that in the coming days the hospitals of the city and the metropolitan area additional intensive care beds will be made available. “.
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