The premier: serious that social unrest rides due to a certain consensus in the polls
“That Dpcm – he writes in Fatto – was born from a long confrontation between all the majority forces. Going out at night to go to a restaurant, cinema or theater means taking public transport or taxis, stopping sooner or later in a square to have a drink or meet with friends lowering the threshold of attention and creating meetings “. In addition, “by decreasing the opportunities for socialization, we also decrease the number of contacts, which facilitates follow-up. Now is the time for responsibility,” says Conte.
“Politics, and this is especially true for those in government, must be able to give an account of their choices to the citizens, take responsibility for their actions and not blow the fire of social unrest by some percentage of consensus at the polls,” remarked the premier. And on the appeal of maestro Riccardo Muti, the premier agrees with the musician that “the decision to close the concert halls and theaters is objectively ‘serious'” because such shows “are food for the spirit, food for the soul.”
“It is a decision – he continues – that we have not taken lightly because we are aware that all the protagonists of the entertainment world have been suffering enormous difficulties for many months.” For the Dpcm, Conte writes, “I signed my signature only when we were sure that we could pass a decree-law in the CDM that would allow immediate relief and support measures to be provided. We are forced to make these additional sacrifices. But we do not have to the intention at all. Give up beauty, culture, music, art, cinema, theater ”.