
In schools, 10 other quarantined classes, Madonnina-negative swabs. In the cathedral of Oderzo, Sunday mass is skipped due to the positivity of a priest
TREVISO. The average age of those infected and hospitalized in the Marca is lowered. The coronavirus took a new victim yesterday: a 63-year-old man. “He suffered from other serious pathologies,” says the Local Health Authority of Treviso, but that affects his age. Since the beginning of the pandemic, in our province, Covid has caused 367 deaths.
The number of people who tested positive for hyssop in the last 24 hours amounts to 341, including 3 groups of companies: 11 positives came from a new test by a company in the Montebellunese area; another 13 infected in two other companies in the area. Also positive was a priest from the Oderzo pastoral, 5 other priests in isolation, all religious services interrupted. At the school, another 10 new classes were quarantined.
The Madonnina
Instead, a sigh of relief is breathed in the Madonnina Prevention Department, where the 164 employees who yesterday repeated the swab after the positivity of 15 colleagues all gave Covid negative, in 10 days the last verification test. Waiting for the emergency to be definitively overcome.
Slow but steady growth in hospitalizations: 10 more than Sunday. In the three hospitals with Covid beds – Ca ‘Foncello, Vittorio Veneto and Conegliano – a total of 113 patients are received, of these 5 in Intensive Care with acute pneumonia that requires oxygen support.
Difficult to make long-term forecasts, the healthcare company observes bed occupancy thresholds and is ready to open other structures.
“If hospitalizations increase by another 50-60 units, we will proceed with new activations”, announces the general director of the USL Francesco Benazzi. Tomorrow, a meeting is scheduled with Sister Lancy Ezhupara, director of San Camillo di Treviso, to anticipate the reopening of the Covid wing with 100 beds.
The reconversion of the 28 beds of the Treviso community hospital in the Covid area is also being evaluated, as it happened last spring. As for the Vittorio Veneto hospital, we thought about identifying additional beds in the field of Infectious Diseases, for the moment we have Conegliano for resuscitation.
However, there is one fact that bodes well. Since the start of the epidemic, Marca’s local health authority has made 106,156 quick swabs, now we travel around 4,000 swabs a day. According to the latest data, concludes the number one in Treviso healthcare, “the percentage of positives has fallen compared to the 10% we have photographed in recent days.” Yesterday the percentage of infected was between 8 and 9%, slightly lower. It is difficult to say if this is a first effect of the new restrictions adopted, the health authority is not unbalanced, this trend is expected to continue.
The Cathedral of Oderzo
Everything was ready. The faithful had already occupied the 240 seats obtained between the benches of the Oderzo Cathedral and were prepared for the 11 o’clock mass, the most heartfelt and popular. But around that time the priests did not leave the sacristy and the entrance song did not rise. Those who went up to the altar approached the microphone only to warn the faithful that the mass was canceled and that the next appointment would be at 6.30 pm, again at the Cathedral.
Forcing the parish to cancel the mass was the positivity to the virus of one of the priests who administer between the parishes of the Duomo, Fratta and Camino: the man no longer has symptoms and has stopped having a fever.
But the positivity had been discovered a few minutes earlier, after the priest went into solitary confinement on Friday with a fever. The swab, carried out on Saturday, had cleared up the doubts: that the fever was due to Covid-19, and this caused the fiduciary isolation to which the other five priests who make up the opitergina pastoral unit, led by Monsignor Pierpaolo Bazzichetto, were subjected. .
The swabs the other five priests were subjected to were all negative, but this only gave the faithful momentary relief. In fact, the practice provides for fiduciary isolation for 10 days. Masses and religious functions already planned will be officiated by the Josephan fathers who live at Brandolini College. –
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