Renzi: Conte changes the Dpcm. Zingaretti: standing in two directions, intolerable


Rome, October 26, 2020 – Criticism also begins to rise against the latter Dpcm to stop coronavirus infections. To pull the barrage is the leader of Italia Viva Matteo renzi: “Although sacrifices are (still) being requested, it would be very useful, in my opinion, for the Government to clarify these points. And explain to us what scientific data and analysis are made on what decisions are made: scientific data, not emotions of a only minister “, attacks Renzi in the e-news in which he announces that Iv will ask the premier Giuseppe Conte of modify the dpcm “in the part about restaurateurs, places of culture and sports activity”.

In all this, the prime minister Giuseppe Conte report to Parliament the following thursday on the measures contained in thelast Dpcm to reduce coronavirus infections. Conte will be in the House first, at 9:30, then in the Senate.

Protests throughout Italy, in the procession of Naples under the Region

Zingaretti: intolerable feet on two supports

Renzi’s attack comes, perhaps not by chance, a few minutes after the intervention of Nicola Zingaretti to national management. The dem leader understands that the moment does not allow hesitation or diplomacy and responds decisively: “Have I feet on two supports right now is ethically intolerable“A judgment, therefore, that goes beyond the political and affects the ethical sphere. Because, Zingaretti continues,” we are at a dramatic turning point in the history of Italy. I see many distinctions by representatives of the government or majority forces, including political initiatives that I consider incomprehensible: I think they are not those parties were never serious who, in the afternoon, sit at the government tables and in the morning organize the opposition to the decisions that are taken. “Then, the secretary addresses the ally words usually reserved for opposition leaders:” We must give answers to anger and fears, not to ride them. “

In front of ‘fire friend’ coming from the ranks of Italy Long Live, Zingaretti plays the sharing card, also calling social forces and oppositions to the table. The stakes, on the other hand, are too high for only the majority, or part of it, to bear the honor and burden of the decisions that must be made. “We need a new climate to save the common good,” emphasizes Zingaretti. “We must quickly check if a higher point of convergence can be found to save the situation. That is why it is important to really involve the social forces, with the intermediate bodies. And also the political oppositions: we must find the ways to make a give a step forward in the relationship between the majority and the opposition ”.


Covid Newsletter for October 26, data and table for today

Schools closed with injuries

Going back to Renzi’s e-news, “Close schools again – says the former prime minister – is a devastating wound. We need the quick tampons to school, not the wheelchair benches. We need private companies for transportation, not complicated rules about distance learning. We need more ICU places, more health personnel and tracking system worthy of the name, no generic recommendations to citizens. It is necessary to operate the test machine efficiently and safely, don’t close the cinemas and restaurants that respect the rules, because this creates a domino effect in many sectors. ”

We request restaurants open until 10pm.

In Parliament, Renzi announces, “we will ask that President Conte consider following the same path taken by the president of Alto Adige, who signed an ordinance that establishes that restaurants are open until 10 pm”. It should be remembered that the Istat data -which include hotels, restaurants and bars- tell us that the added value of this aggregate in 2019 is 64,000 million euros, almost equivalent to that of the entire construction sector ”. “It is good to resign – says leader IV – many freedoms due to the virus. But closing the places of culture and sports is, instead, a mistake: it is easier to catch it in the subway than in the theater. And the closure of restaurants at 6 pm “. it is technically inexplicable, it seems a measure taken without any scientific basis. Does Covid hurt more at dinner than at lunch? And for those who have been equipped, do the same rules apply? Do we realize the devastating economic damage? “To face the pandemic,” we need a plan, a vision, a strategy. Don’t chase events, but predict them like we’ve been saying, often unheard of, for months. ”

No to the Month is ideological

In the e-news Renzi also attacks the Month: “We risk raising the debt curve only because of emergencies and without a strategic vision. In this sense, the ideological No to the Month appears more and more absurd. The truth, dear ones Friends, is that we have to live with the virus not just three weeks. We have to get to the vaccine, we have to distribute the vaccine well, we have to organize the logistics of the vaccine, which is the exact opposite of the logistics management of the buffer. we have difficult weeks ahead, we have to live with the coronavirus. ”

The attack on Franceschini

“It caught my attention that – Renzi continues – precisely the Minister of Culture to have the closure is justified saying we must save lives. I say for sure, it’s true, we want to save lives. But it is enough to have gone to the cinema or the theater, in recent weeks, to understand that these are not places where you risk dying, but where -in fact- you learn to live better. Coping with the pandemic is everyone’s duty. But we must do it without giving in to fear ”.
