the interview with Brusaferro that convinced the premier-


Eliminate the temptations of Italians to induce them to stay at home, without forcing them. the philosophy that sustains the thread of the provisions contained in the last Dpcm. Prime Minister Conte was convinced of this after having spoken Friday night with Health Minister Speranza and the president of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro.

The interview

Interview based on the analysis of the epidemic data contained in the weekly report from the control room. There was no precise indication from the technicians. It was enough to examine the new figures for Palazzo Chigi to grasp the urgency of setting other limits by observing a picture of extreme suffering, especially in some Regions that required strict and timely initiatives to reverse the infection curve and avoid the risk of facing the inevitability of a disease. closure around Christmas.

The decision

Hence the decision. Minimize unnecessary activities to convince citizens not to go out, not being able to go to restaurants, bars, gyms, cinemas. Well organized places that would have been a temptation.

October 26, 2020 (change October 26, 2020 | 23:53)

