Coronavirus, the latest news from Italy and the world on Covid-


The cases of Covid in the world are 43 million, according to data published by Johns Hopkins University, while the confirmed deaths are 1,153,861 since the beginning of the pandemic. And also in Italy infections continue to increase: the latest figure, relative to Monday, October 26, of 17,012 new positives and 141 deaths compared to 124,686 swabs, about 40,000 less than yesterday, when there were 161,880 (here the bulletin with data and here all bulletins showing the situation since the beginning of the pandemic).

9.18 am – In Russia, bars and restaurants close from 11.00 pm to 6.00 am
Russia has imposed the closure of bars and restaurants between 11 at night and 6 in the morning, to combat the spread of the coronavirus. This was reported by the Ria Novosti agency.

9.15am – France towards tough measures, Defense Council meets
The prospect of a new general lockdown is taking hold in France in the face of a brutal second wave of Covid-19 that may be even stronger than the first. The alarm, launched on Monday by Jean-Francois Delfraissy, an expert at the head of the government’s Scientific Council, was relaunched today by Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin: We must expect difficult decisions. Nell ‘hexagon now there are 26 thousand cases of Covid a day but, according to experts, the actual infections probably they are not less than 100 thousand every 24 hours. President Emmanuel Macron will preside over a Defense Council this morning starting at 10 a.m., and then Prime Minister Jean Castex will bring together the political forces and the union and employers’ organizations. Tomorrow there will be a second Defense Council, always dedicated to the epidemic. The two meetings aim to discuss the expected tightening in the management of the Covid-19 health crisis.

8.56 am – Germany, more than 11 thousand cases and 42 deaths
In Germany, 11,409 cases of coronavirus were recorded in the last 24 hours and 42 deaths, compared to 8,685 infections and 24 deaths the day before. This was announced by the Robert Koch Institute, according to which the number of cases in Germany amounts to 449,275 and the number of victims to 10,098.

8.53 am – Zampa, Dpcm goal of effort to round the curve in 1 month
The goal of the Dpcm is to make a great effort to round the curve in a month. The Dpcm logic is to ensure that sociability becomes more rarefied, because the real outbreaks are in the family and in the office. If you don’t have time to spare after work and shopping, go home. Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa told UnoMattin on RaiUno. The risk that the numbers, if they escape, will become monstrous.

8.38 am – 28 people at the police station for riots in Milan
28 people were escorted to the Milan police headquarters after the incidents last night in Milan during an unauthorized demonstration against the containment measures of the coronavirus. His position is being examined by investigators to learn the measures against him. A few hundred people participated in the protest and the perpetrators of the riots are said to be very young in particular. Damage mainly to the outdoor area of ​​clubs, scooters and rental bicycles, to a tram, while an incendiary bottle was thrown at a local police car that was not hit.

8.25 am – Antibodies disappear quickly
Hopes that the population will at some point become immune to Covid-19 appear dashed by new research showing how the antibodies disappear quickly when they recover from the disease. Which means that those who have had Covid-19 run the risk of recovering it. A major study conducted in the UK has found that immunity wears off quickly over time– In just three months (the time the search started when the UK blockade was lifted), the number of people with antibodies dropped by 26.5%, from almost 6% to 4.4%. The study was conducted byImperial College Together with Ipsos Mori: From June 20 to September 28, the two organizations followed 365,000 randomly selected people, who were regularly tested at home for antibodies to Covid-19. The results of the study showed that 6% of the people had antibodies against the virus when the lock was opened between the end of June and the beginning of July; But at the start of the second wave, in September, the percentage of people with antibodies had dropped to just 4.4%. The researchers also found that youth, those from black, Asian and ethnic minority communities, and healthcare workers had higher levels of antibodies, possibly due to repeated or greater exposure to the virus. Not only: Asymptomatic people are more likely to lose their antibodies quickly than those who have experienced symptoms.. And although all ages are affected by the loss of antibodies, the elderly suffer more: between June and September the proportion of people older than 75 years with antibodies decreased by 39%, while it decreased by 14.9% in the group of age. between 18 and 24 years old.

8.17 – Clashes in Turin, 10 arrests
Ten people were arrested last night by the Turin police, following the riots that took place in the city center during the demonstration against the anti-Covid measures of the Government and the Region. Among them two Egyptian citizens, one of whom is a minor, accused of aggravated theft, against the Gucci store, and aggravated resistance. Two Italians were arrested for aggravated resistance, while a third for attempted aggravated robbery, against the Louis Vuitton store, and aggravated resistance. The two defendants also participated in the looting. To these are added five arrests and two reported by the Digos.

7.22am – Myanmar, extended flight lockdown
The Myanmar government has extended the blockade of international commercial flights and the issuance of all residence visas for foreign nationals until the end of November, to contain the spread of the coronavirus before the general elections. The extension of the entry ban for citizens will also apply to land flows, according to a note released yesterday October 26 by the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The extension of the entry ban, which would expire on October 31, was ordered by the National Committee for the control of Covid-19, chaired by the State Councilor and de facto leader of the country, Aung San Suu Kyi.

October 27, 2020 (change October 27, 2020 | 09:18)

