“I tried four times to reserve a tampon on the Lazio region website. With the same recipe. Three times a message appeared: error. As if the prescription code was wrong. At the end, in the afternoon, one last attempt, it went well … », says Francesca Fossili, 45, a teacher at a secondary school in Tivoli, at the end of a day spent with the mouse in hand, to update, with clicks, the page book-drive.regione.lazio.it.
Covid Lazio, today’s newsletter October 26: 1,698 positive cases (864 in Rome), 16 deaths D’Amato: “The curve rises suddenly”
You are not the only one who has had server problems that will have to process tens of thousands of requests every day. From today on the entire trip in Rome, the reservation via the web will be the only valid one to be presented at the ASL centers. This is how Pisana hopes to rule the endless queues of cars that line up every day to get the Covid exam. Mothers and fathers with their children quarantined for a positive at school; employees waiting for the answer to return to work; relatives of infected people; people who have to travel to countries for which the test result is required.
As long as there are no errors in the report, as happened in the drive of Santa Maria della Pietà: for some, the date of the sampling has been postponed 3 days. For others, it was before the actual time of retirement. Result: the 72 hour limit within which a test is considered valid loses its value. Both for going abroad and for those who must be negative after contact with a patient. “I took the sample on Thursday the 22nd, I had to leave on Sunday the 25th – says A., certificate in hand – I received the report the next day, the 23rd, and I immediately saw the error.” It’s hard not to notice: the sheet says that the sample was taken on “October 25 at 8:00.” That is, three days after the swab and two days after receiving the report. In the future. Furthermore, on the same sheet, in small print, we read that the analysis was “digitally signed on October 23”. Other citizens complain to the contrary: the report was retroactive. “Material errors, carelessness” in the great hustle and bustle of these days, commented by ASL Roma 1.
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More than 5 thousand appointments
Even on the booking platform you can look for errors. “After three days of trying, I connected at two in the morning and managed to have an appointment,” says Roberta Amurri, 55, sculptor of Aurelio, on the social page “Salute Lazio”, managed by the Region. “It gives an error when the availabilities run out,” he warns his companions hunting for swabs. «It also gives me an error. I called the Cup, but they don’t know anything ”, writes Maria Pia on Facebook. “The recipe is correct, but it gives a mistake,” Daniele complains. “I know there have been problems, but it is natural, given the number of requests to be resolved,” says Pier Luigi Bartoletti, director of Uscar, mobile tampon units. Yesterday morning, at the inauguration of the service, online reservations already exceeded 5,000, explains Alessio D’Amato, regional health counselor. Drive-ins in Rome will only be accessible with online reservation, a necessary choice to better manage access flows ”. The hope is that “with the reservation on the web, the waiting times will be considerably reduced because the registration process is already configured and our operators work more calmly”.
Covid, the alarm of doctors: “Tampon lines increase the risk of contagion and clog the system”
Last updated: 07:38