Genoa. “Emergency rooms are clogged because people are scared, many must be treated at home.“. This is the thesis they have done in recent days Angelo Gratarola (head of San Martino and coordinator of the entire regional emergency-urgency department) and consequently the president Giovanni Everybody while witnessing the collapse of structures invaded by queued ambulances and patients were crowded into the corridors, a situation that also prompted an investigation by the prosecutor. But from the 118 station in Genoa, the situation is very different: “If a person calls because they feel bad Prudence always prevails and we take him to the hospital. And God forbid we didn’t. “
Talking is Francesco Bermano, director of the territorial emergency service 112/118, who the coronavirus was experienced on his own skin in March: “I myself, who am a doctor, was at home and could not judge my situation clearly – he tells Genoa24 -. I went to the hospital, they did an X-ray and found out that I had interstitial pneumonia. We cannot tell a patient who is sick to stay calm at home, if a person complains of certain symptoms it is normal to respect the criterion of greater prudence ”.
The problem of “Access incorrect“In the hospital last week he was raised by the San Martino. First with the words of the infectious disease specialist Matteo bassetti who attributed the crowds in hospitals to “schizophrenic communication made of terrorism and sensationalism”, then with those of Angelo Gratarola according to which in the emergency room there are “many patients who come with one flu-like symptoms, fever, a little cough, myalgia, red eyes, headache “: people arriving”just because they are afraid or because they want to clean themselvesInstead they should call the doctor and stay home.
But then where is the catch? It is true that ambulances bring people who they shouldn’t be there? “Compared with March-April there is no comparison, there was panic there – Bermano replies -. Now there are people who call 112 because they are afraid and we refer them to the treating doctor, but they are less than once. If there is a health problem, the call goes to 118, who conducts a more accurate interview. And if the person needs to be hospitalized, an ambulance is sent ”.
So isn’t it true that there is an inappropriate access theme? “You have to take into account the big picture – explains Bermano -. exist scared people, lonely people, particular situations. Theoretically, an older person could be managed at home, but does anyone really go there? We cannot see in black and white, there are so many shades ”.
But compared to those who say the solution would be to improveHome care, the manager of 118 is acute: “We are in war, there is little to do. We have to make decisions. I fully agree that people should preferably be cared for at home, but when this is not possible, they inevitably come to the hospital. Hospital care must be given priority, that’s where people die, the rest are hot packs. We cannot leave anyone who needs hospitalization at home. Every effort should be made to make hospitals suitable for accommodating patients ”.
In the meantime even today the situation in Genoese hospitals seems dire. At 11.25 there are 22 patients waiting in San Martino (15 yellow codes), 11 in Galliera (4 yellow codes). Visitors are up to 73 in San Martino (12 red codes and 45 yellow codes) and 40 in Galliera (5 red codes and 20 yellow) while in Villa Scassi the brief intensive observation is very complete with 103 patients, and this despite the Activation of the Evangelical last Saturday as a Covid hospital.
For now, while waiting times outside of emergency rooms have expanded dramatically, no shortage of ambulancesexplains Bermano. Central Station 118 is under stress: Seven of the 36 operators are missing, we have also had some cases of coronavirus ”. According to internal sources, in fact there are two positive people among the operators of the only number 112. “We cannot do more than that, it is impossible to respect response times,” sighs the director. For this reason, beyond the “greater prudence”, the advice remains the same: “First call the GP. But later, if you feel bad, call 112, God forbid ”.