Anief Press Release – Anief signs the CCNI to regulate distance work for teachers. Now we need urgent contractual regulations also for administrative staff and the extension of the 500 euro letter to Ata and precarious teachers to be included in the budget law.
The union has responded to the call of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella but now it is up to the Government to give answers to allow at least 75% of distance education for all students. It will be up to the institutions to schedule the training for DDI and update the security module during Covid-19. On the other hand, the necessary update of the school plan for the disbursement of the DDI is for the teaching colleges. The recovery of hours possibly not performed in DDI in the hour bank is also skipped, as requested by the young union.
ANIEF signs its first National Collective Agreement. Fundamental contribution of the young union for the drafting of the contract that regulates distance education. Now for the entry into force, the signature of the other unions is expected, in addition to the CISL, which has already signed the agreement. The text may enter into force if at least 50% of the representativeness threshold of the contracting unions is exceeded. The delegation that attended Anief’s presence consisted of Gianmauro Nonnis, Anief National Vice President, and Stefano Cavallini, General Secretary.
In accordance with article 2, paragraph 3-ter, of decree law April 22, 2020, n. 22, converted with modifications by law June 6, 2020, n. 41, for the first time Anief was able to participate in a national bargaining table as a representative union. Another great and important step towards the full enjoyment of union prerogatives.
“On the days of meetings with the representatives of the Ministry of Education and together with the delegations of the other unions. representative – comments Marcello Pacifico, National President of Anief – we have offered an important contribution on a mandatory and current topic: Integrated Digital Education. Like any contract, this can also be improved but the new DPCM regulations have accelerated the signing of a text that informs the management of the DDI in the competence of the collegiate bodies and the fulfillment of the contract, including the participation permits in assemblies. unions. Now, however, the Government must extend the card of 500 euros for training and for the purchase of devices to 500 thousand between Ata and precarious teachers. Unfortunately, the board did not have the power to include it in the contract, but it is the responsibility of the political decision-maker to proceed in this direction after the act of responsibility also demanded of the unions ”.
The Complementary National Contract on DDI, in its final draft, saw the acceptance of many of Anief’s improvement proposals.
Particularly important was the elimination from the contract of any reference to an “hour bank” at the educational institution level in which the teaching hours of teachers would have to converge in the event of impossibility of providing the DDI service to be recovered at the end. of the course. school year.
“In the final formulation – comments Gianmauro Nonnis – the reference to the bank of hours has also been eliminated because this institute is not foreseen in any national or complementary contract or in any law. The impossibility of lending the teaching hours for objective causes not attributable to the worker cannot fall on the teacher. In this case, art. 1256 of the Civil Code that specifies that the worker must not compensate the hours if the work has not been carried out for reasons not attributable to the teacher “.
The proposal to strengthen the collegiate bodies was accepted where, in the new formulation, it is foreseen that it is the Teaching Council and not the Director who formulates the plan of activities of the DDI. The CCNI, in fact, recalls the guidelines on DDI which, among other provisions, provide a minimum of 20 hours of lessons for upper secondary school and 15 hours for the first cycle (10 for the first classes of primary school). ).
The combined provisions of this rule with the provisions of art. 1 paragraph 2 (“The DDI is carried out in compliance with the freedom of education, the competences of the collegiate bodies and the autonomy of planning and organization of the autonomy of planning and organization of school institutions”) and art. 2 subsection 2, which establishes as a maximum limit the hours of service of teachers that the CCNL foresees for each grade and once again refers to the decline that each school institution will give to the DDI in its Plan, ensures that each school, in the Teachers, to establish the hourly quota per class and per teacher to dedicate to the synchronous activities to be carried out under the DDI regime, “taking care to ensure an adequate weekly space for all disciplines”.
In this way, instead of a rigid norm, the complementary contract has left each school the possibility of moving, within the limits set by the Guidelines and CCNI, as deemed appropriate by the Faculty, whose role of absolute centrality in the scope of the didactic options to adopt.
The same reasoning also applies to the need to provide adequate breaks for teachers involved in DDI. Each school will be able to operate independently, for example, by reducing the time unit by 5 or 10 minutes or by organizing a break of at least one hour for every two consecutive lessons on the same day. The same with regard to the possible indication of the maximum number of hours that each teacher must perform daily in DDI, which Anief considers should not exceed three hours a day.
Regarding the extension of the teacher card of 500 euros also to precarious personnel for the purchase of equipment, the Administration had to reject the proposal since the relative cost would not have obtained the Mef visa for the contract, whose stipulation is subject to the financial invariance constraint. Anief, who since 2015 has requested the extension of the Charter to all school personnel with proposed amendments to parliamentarians on all sides, believes that this necessary and urgent regulatory innovation should be included in the first available legislative vehicle, or in the next law. budgetary. Meanwhile, all teachers – permanent and precarious – who need connections or devices can still contact the school, which will have to make them available to those who request them.
“All our proposals had a foundation, in our opinion, important and decisive – concludes Marcello Pacifico – but we realized this in a negotiation, with a plurality of voices and opinions among the unions. on the one hand, they are not always compact either, and the administration, on the other, it is necessary to mediate and reach a shared formulation. During the budget law review, we will present the need to extend teacher status to all school personnel and, if that is not enough, we will continue to appeal to the courts to determine this right. Meanwhile, as of today, the educational centers must update the school plans for the offer of distance education for high school students at least up to 75% if not for the entire schedule ”.