Pesaro, restaurant open despite the Dpcm. The owner: I will not close, they will have to arrest me


Not only are there those who protest against the new Dpcm approved yesterday by the government by taking to the streets. In Pesaro, a restaurant owner refused to close at 6 p.m., as required by law, and welcomed some customers. The mayor of the city of Marche Matteo Ricci broke the news: “What is happening in La Macelleria (that’s the name of the restaurant, ed.) Is very serious. One thing is to demonstrate legitimately and peacefully and another is to do these dangerous antics against the law, “wrote the mayor on Facebook. The businessman Umberto Carriera, who had also demonstrated in the square shortly before, kept the premises open despite the demands of the new DPC and had no problems receiving some customers.

Ricci said the police intervened to enforce the directives of the new decree: “The Local Police, State Police and Carabinieri are already in place and I asked the Prefect for the utmost toughness in the face of an unprecedented attitude. In Pesaro the law is always respected, even more so during a pandemic. Among other things, with this unfortunate initiative there is the risk of ruining the demonstration of many people who have expressed their discomfort and fear for the future in the square ”, concludes Ricci.

Who is the manager of La Macelleria: for Forbes one of the 150 most promising entrepreneurs under 30 years of age

The restaurant The Butcher of Pesaro it was opened to the public less than a month ago. It is run by Umberto Carriera, an entrepreneur in the restaurant business who owns many other locations and last year was included in the list of the 150 Most Promising U-30 Entrepreneurs of the New Year according to the economics and finance magazine Forbes. In addition to La Macelleria, Carriera manages the restaurant “La Grande Bellezza” in Mombaroccio, the Osteria delle Candele in the town of Candelara, the piadineria “il Chiosco” in Pesaro and is about to open another restaurant in Fano.

Last week, Carriera had announced his dissent towards a possible new blockade:

Enough: whatever decision the government makes from now on, my restaurants no longer close. I will keep you open, I will pay my employees and if there is a closure, you will all be my “free” guests until the end. Arrest will be the only way to keep my restaurant blinds from opening every day.

I spent my time looking at numbers, reading Dpcm, calculating percentages for the nights. I did a report from last February until today and I had confirmation of what I thought: they are making fun of us. The virus is a fucking virus like the others, which spreads like the others, that if you are lucky enough (yours) to catch a fragile man with various diseases and perhaps an advanced age, it will dry out. Like the flu, pneumonia, bronchitis.

They treat us like idiots, with shameful rules, mass communications made for the sole purpose of generating scaremongering and panic, created ad hoc with a temporal link as predictable as it is banal. Numbers communicated without any scientific basis and clarification. “Ben 7 thousand new positives”, they titled a few hours ago. “145,000 new negatives” they should have written. Seven thousand positives in more than one hundred and fifty thousand tampons (of these 95% do not even have a throat scrape), it should be a hymn to the return to normality. In “Let’s start living again, put on the mask when you’re in a crowded place”, and nothing else. Instead, they list and enforce unenforceable rules: You can marry 30 guests, 35 can’t. You can invite 6 friends, not 7. You can dine in the restaurant until midnight, not later.
