Report on the coronavirus Udine Friuli, October 26, 2020


Today 334 new infections (3,087 swabs performed) and three deaths from Covid-19 have been detected in Friuli Venezia Giulia. This was announced by the Deputy Governor responsible for Health, Riccardo Riccardi. People who have tested positive for the virus in the region since the beginning of the pandemic totaled 8,495, of which: 2,823 in Trieste (plus 141), 3,062 in Udine (plus 134), 1,672 in Pordenone (plus six) and 867 in Gorizia (plus 19), plus 71 people from outside the region.

The numbers

The current cases of infection are 3,312. The number of patients treated in intensive care has increased to 27 and to 119 hospitalized in other wards. The deaths amounted to 377, with the following territorial subdivision: 203 in Trieste, 85 in Udine, 78 in Pordenone and 11 in Gorizia. The totally cured were 4,806, the clinically cured 27 and the isolated 3,139.

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The details

In today’s detail of data on Covid-19 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the deaths recorded are those of three women: one born in 1979 in Trieste, one in 1947 and one in 1926, both from Pordenone. Regarding the new positivity to the virus, the following cases have been detected in the nursing home sector: an outbreak (22 guests) in the Asp della Carnia, a host of the Flora2 residence (Ts), a host of the Itis (Ts), guest of the Ada and Alfredo Arcicasa residence in San Quirino, guest of the Le betulle residence in Cavasso Nuovo. With regard to health workers who work in the structures, the contagion of an operator of the Asp de Carnia must be reported. Finally, with regard to the health system, the positivity for Covid of a nurse from Asugi in Monfalcone, a nurse from the Hospital de San Vito al Tagliamento, a midwife Asufc in Gemona del Friuli, an operator and a nurse from the Hospital de Udine.
