The coronavirus is especially scary and frightening to Milan. The situation, for the moment, is not tragic but it could get worse in the coming days. Massimo Galli, director of the department of infectious diseases at the Sacco hospital in Milan, raised the alarm. “The situation is getting really difficult, especially in Milan. Those who can stay at home and limit social contacts to what is strictly necessary. We protect the elderly from Covid-19,” the scientist wrote in a tweet published the morning of Monday, October 26. .
The situation in Milan
Coronavirus cases have increased tenfold from the beginning to October, as data published daily by the Lombardy region shows. On October 1, the cases in the city were around 110, since Friday, October 23, they have constantly exceeded a thousand.
The situation is not better in the entire metropolitan city. On the first day of October, in the municipalities that make up the interior of Milan, 58 contagions were registered daily, on Sunday, October 25, the figure reached 1,372. In Lombardy the new cases have multiplied by more than ten in 26 days: on October 1 they were 324 while on Sunday they reached 5,762.
Full wave: the Region prepares
Meanwhile, health structures in the Region are preparing to handle the wave of floods because in the coming weeks the cases will continue to increase. The Councilor for Welfare of the Lombardy Region Giulio Gallera also said that he addressed the issue of the closures: “Whatever we do today we will see the results in the next fifteen days and that is why we are preparing for the fact that these figures will continue to grow significantly for at least 15 days. ” Fontana team member, guest Tomorrow five Canale 5, specified that the situation in Lombardy hospitals “is not in any way comparable to what we experienced in March, today we have up to 1,800 beds in intensive care” (currently 231 people are hospitalized in intensive care and in the last few days are growing with an average of 20 units per day).
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“Our capacity to manufacture tampons is huge and impressive, we isolate people, but all that is not enough,” concluded Gallera. The number of asymptomatic patients is particularly large, a part is identified. There is no health system in the world. hold on, this virus can only be fought with distancing, there is no other tool now ”.