“When everything is over I will leave the M5 to work for Alberto Zangrillo” – Libero Quotidiano


Pietro Senaldi

«I am an avulsor, the fact of being in Parliament is proof of the failure of the Italian system. If things were as they should in our country, at this moment I would stay in the hospital to remove tumors from people’s stomachs and at the university to teach ”. The only doctor that the government can deploy in the fight against Covid-19 defines himself as “a politician by chance”, if not by mistake, but not by voters. Pierpaolo Sileri, A 48-year-old Roman surgeon with a master’s degree from the University of Chicago, he is an oncologist with a past of dexterous sympathies, which he does not hide.

The Deputy Minister of Health who understands a hundred times more than the owner in this regard, found himself among the grillini after having founded, in 2017, with his friend and partner in misfortune. Giuliano Grüner, the Transparencia y Mérito association, created to eradicate the cancer of nepotism in our universities. Impossible feat. What separates you from the system is competition. For a year he has been the pentastellato deputy who has appeared the most on television, but if the word M5S did not appear next to his name when he speaks, no one would mistake him for a grillino. It is not ideological, it is pragmatic, it does not speak by slogan and it prefers to heal the world than to open it like a can of tuna. But above all, he knows what he’s saying. In fact, lately in the government it has the role of the talking cricket. It is the critical voice, the one that when it points with the finger it puts it in the true wounds of the errors of the executive in the lack of preparation for the second wave of the epidemic. Given that he has 167 scholarly publications and is the only five-star who earned the most when he was out of Parliament, everyone is wondering how he ended up in the Vito Crimi.

“In 2015 I was prevented from applying to a competition as an associate professor at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome,” says Sileri. “I was vice primary and in my department I had more scientific publications than all of them, but my place was destined for another. I appealed to the TAR and the rector in the institute’s parking lot promised me that if I withdrawn the appeal he would win me a chair as a professor. I refused and they made me understand that I was finished, even threatening to block competitions throughout Italy. So I told the Honorable my story Paola Taverna, who asked a parliamentary question. Today I am in government and the rector is accused of attempted extortion and incitement to corruption.

How was your candidacy born?
“I was never involved in M5S, I never signed up for Rousseau. I was sympathetic to An, I supported Fini, mayor of Rome, but I hadn’t been interested in politics for ten years. In the Municipal I voted for the Rays, to try a change. It was Di Maio, with Paola, who proposed the candidacy to me, in a difficult single-member constituency, in the north of Rome, a bastion of the right. I got 94 thousand votes ».

Doctor, however, everyone wonders who will be nominated again for the next round, because it is clear that the grillini is not right …
«I will not apply again. I am a surgeon, I do not waste 25 years of sacrifice and profession. When I was informed of the appointment as deputy minister, I was in the operating room. It was the last surgery, because the law now prohibits me from using a scalpel, I never want to go back to the hospital. Imagine that I would have asked to be able to go there as a volunteer on Saturday morning, when I am free, but since I am in the government they prevented me. On March 25, 2023, however, when all this is over, you will find me at San Raffaele in Milan, where I won a 2016 competition ».

But how, the anti-pandemic hero employed by the denier Zangrillo criticized by all?
Criticized by those who do not understand. Zangrillo is an anesthesiologist. I had Covid and when I was sick I myself told many that if something went wrong, San Raffaele would be the hospitalization site. “

You said the virus is clinically dead, don’t you think?
“He used an unhappy expression, but many of the informants perfectly understood what he meant: that the virus was no longer reaching intensive care.”

But now it’s running there …
“Yep. The more the virus circulates, the more likely people are to go to the ICU. But there are differences. During the first wave, people died at home and the doctor came two days after death. This is no longer the This is the case. Scientists have different personal points of view, but also heated rivalries. Zangrillo’s words were taken advantage of. It seems to me that sometimes many of my shirt-mates use television for personal challenges and purposes. “

And her? He’s been accused of being a talk show parsley and little work due to his television schedule …
“Surgeons are used to working up to 120 hours a week in the hospital, research and lessons. Television is a minimum commitment, I tell journalists who write nonsense.

The grillini will attack her: she goes to work at the Berlusconi hospital …
I go to the San Raffaele in Milan because it is excellence in Italy ”.

And is she that good?
Look at my posts and my H-index, which measures the worth of scientists. My mortality rates in surgery are very low.

Do you have golden hands, doctor?
“It is a question of discipline. I should have done thousands of interventions, but before each one I still study today. And when I drive home, I think about it: Did I do everything right? There is something I could have done better. Can complications arise?

Will you not lack all the privileges of the caste?
“I am not enjoying them. By now, most enter or remain in politics for money or power. I gained more as a doctor than as a vice minister and the power for me is to do the things that I think are useful for the country. As chairman of the Health Commission, I unblocked the law allowing body research, sped up the law on the cancer registry network, and much more. This is enough for me to feel that I have done my duty.

You’re a critical voice in government right now, right?
“Not everything fits me perfectly.”

His first rebellion against the government was that trip to China to recover the Italian student trapped in Hubei with a fever
“I went to China twice to recover Italian citizens, on February 2 and 14.”

A controversial gesture?
“No, but totally in accordance with my nature.”

I was not afraid, so nothing was known about what was happening in China?
“My son was only seven months old. When I returned one night, my wife looked at me and understood immediately. Covid was going crazy in the East and in Rome they had been arguing for days, and everything seemed very slow to me, I did not see an immediate result. I thought, I’ll go and take them away, so when I come back I’ll find them still sitting at the table deciding what to do. I’m an extremely practical guy. ” What don’t you care about how the government is dealing with this wave? «I am in favor of expanding the table of the Technical Scientific Committee and making its logic and its operating methods more transparent. Transparency seems like a duty to me these days: we cannot entrust fundamental decisions for the entire country to consultants appointed by the government.

And what do you think of the closures? Do you really need to tighten the shirts?
“There are still many places in the ICU and the growth of patients is not exponential. The number of positives is very high but the majority are not sick: we must distinguish and not create unnecessary terrorism.

And that?
“We are paralyzing a country waiting to pass the saliva tests. Inconceivable”.

What would you do?
“The first thing to do is to increase the diagnostic capacity. We divide the population into three groups: low, medium and high risk. We use the rapid antigen test for those who are low and medium risk and we only clean the third band; in this way we were able to map 400 thousand people a day and we did not waste swabs for subjects who, since they are not close contacts, are not at high risk. It is absurd what we are witnessing, with thousands of people breaking into the emergency room for symptoms similar to those of Covid, or endless lines to get a swab. Having a simpler diagnostic offer than the swab and usable by general practitioners, in pharmacies or in the private sector and, why not, also in dental offices would help the system as a whole ”.

Report tampon abuse?
“No, I say we do too many things to the wrong people. If I test positive, my assistants can be cleaned, but not the entire floor. For others, a rapid or salivary antigen test that costs a fifth is sufficient and gives the result in an hour instead of five days. With Covid we must act as with all other pathologies. Colon cancer screening involves an examination of hidden stools and only if it gives a positive result is a colonoscopy proceeded ”.

Do you believe in the vaccine?
“It won’t be quick. It takes months to produce it, just like the flu. And we still don’t know how much it actually protects and what its side effects are. I think the drug will arrive before the prophylaxis.

So will therapy come?
“Many therapies are already being applied. I trust above all in that of monoclonal antibodies or in the use of hyperimmune preparations obtained from the serum of those recovered.

Are we on the eve of a crisis like last March?
«It is difficult for me to imagine such a scenario. I foresee a further increase in infections, but gradual in terms of places in intensive care and I hope that when we see the first effects of the Prime Minister’s decree, the curve will soften “

. Let’s face it, we lost three months this summer
“We needed, and still do, unscrupulous use of diagnostics. That was the big mistake.

Who ate the Italian sanitation, doctor?
“Politics, with non-meritocratic appointments, and here we return to the reason for my candidacy for Parliament. Corruption, to which we pay a bribe of eight billion a year. The cuts, too many and linear. Lack of investment in research. The reckless sanitary building: do you know the skeletons of the hospitals built and never opened in Calabria? ».
