“Openness to homosexual couples? This is what is really behind it” – Libero Quotidiano


Antonio Socci

The documentary “Francesco” caused a stir for the papal “yes” to the civil unions of homosexual couples. But was this the main purpose? Not quite. Without a doubt, the intention of the Vatican was to give the maximum prominence to this product. In fact, last Wednesday, before the general audience, Pope Bergoglio received -with photographers- the director Evgeny Afineevsky and his collaborators “thus giving his blessing to the work”, as Il Fatto Quotidiano writes, in an atmosphere of such familiarity that the Argentine papa even offered the director a cake since it was his birthday. Then, the next day, the presentation of the apologetic documentary took place at the Rome Film Festival, directed by Antonio Monda, brother of the director of the Osservatore Romano, Andrea (present in the room), and the film’s awards ceremony at the Vatican Gardens. , where he received the “Kinéo Film Award for Humanity”, awarded to those who promote social and humanitarian issues.

The truth about the attacks of the Democratic Party on Giuseppe Conte: Antonio Socci reveals the (dirty) plan of his companions

especially today when his pontificate is in decline and, to listen to his own supporters, he is totally bogged down (consider the Amazon Synod and the German). Above all, he wants to regain the favor of the world in these weeks in which his Vatican is at the center of scandal news that shows, even on the side of internal reform, the failure of the current pontificate. The bait that was used, to achieve the highest possible prominence and obtain the great and unanimous acclaim of the mainstream media and progressive elites, was the tabloid signal on the homosexual issue. It was well known that Bergoglio – as Cardinal of Buenos Aires – had been in favor of “civil unions” in Argentina. And we know that, as Pope, “he guided the position of the Italian Episcopal Conference on the law desired by the Italian government of Matteo Renzi in 2015 and 2016, accepting its wording” (Maria Antonietta Calabrò writes in Huffington’s post).

However, he had never made an explicit public pronouncement like this, because it contradicts the official magisterium, of all times, of the Church. Therefore, the novelty is enormous. On the left, in Italy, there are those who have even interpreted it as a positive signal for the approval of the Zan Bill (which, according to the CEI, runs the risk of “liberticidal drifts” against non-aligned opinions). Papal outsourcing has thrown the Catholic world into bewilderment and confusion. But Bergoglio is not concerned about this. For him the doctrinal or moral or spiritual questions serve only instrumentally to achieve a goal that is always, unique and totally political.

The recent book by Professor Loris Zanatta, published by Laterza, “Jesuit Populism (Perón, Fidel, Bergoglio)” shows very well the entirely political character of South American Jesuitism and of Bergoglio in particular. So what was the main political purpose of this operation? The biggest target, against which the entire media system and globalist elites are unleashed: Donald Trump. It is he who undermines the Obama and Clinton project that, in the frenzied financialization of the Western economy, imposed on China as the world’s factory, at the expense of the Western middle class and workers (and curiously the deadliest attack on the reconfirmation from Trump, who was safe in January – came from China: Covid-19). Bergoglio’s pontificate is the son of the Obama / Clinton era and shares its globalist ideology, within which there is migration and ecological fanaticism. The eventual reconfirmation of Trump would be a very hard blow for this ideology and for this power bloc. So they are wreaking havoc and Bergoglio is also participating in the anti-Trump campaign because the American Catholic electorate is decisive. So, a few days before the vote, this incredible super ad went out in favor of Biden. Just watch the trailer for the movie. In fact, it begins with Covid in an ecological key, because in the Bergoglian ideology the virus would be the product not of the Chinese regime, but of our offenses to the environment (there are also images of the earthquake that we do not know what it has to do with ecology).

Let's see if they have balls.  For now only the armchairs.  Socci, the bottom that Renzi sinks with: good just for barking

Then there is the glorification of Bergoglio as a world star, “purifier” of the Church and “savior” of humanity. And here are images chosen ad hoc: those related to George Floyd (whose tragic case was used without reason against Trump); then “coincidentally” comes the current Democratic candidate, Biden, who stands next to Bergoglio as he speaks in the US Congress. Finally it is the turn of the “prophetess” of the ecological religion, Greta Thunberg, framed in Saint Peter’s Square greeting Bergoglio. At this point, a long immigration rally begins, culminating in the wall between the United States and Mexico. Here is the image of Trump and Bergoglio’s fiery words are heard: “a person who only thinks about building walls and not bridges is not a Christian.” It is the famous attack on Trump that Bergoglio made in the 2016 electoral campaign. Today it is proposed again in this “electoral” trailer although it is known that the wall with Mexico was (also) the Democrats and especially after four years in the that Trump, unlike his predecessors, did not even wage war and made many peace agreements in the world.

At the end of the card. Tagle (Filipino of Chinese origin) who is Bergoglio’s candidate for his succession. This is Bergoglio’s sensational meddling in the presidential campaign, ten days after the vote. As you will recall a few days ago, Bergoglio refused to receive the Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, who had arrived in Rome to avoid the renewal of the Vatican / China agreement, because – said Bergoglio – it would have been an interference in favor of Trump in the campaign. presidential. He, who has meanwhile renewed the nefarious agreement with China, had a sensational rally in store: pro Biden.
