Vincenza De Luca does not miss a beat and is always active, with reference to the provisions COVID-19 regarding restrictive measures, frequently issue new ordinances valid for the Campania region. The latest date of today October 26, 2020, subsequently corrected, by an omission in the schedule, from which the sale of takeout food is prohibited in catering establishments. But let’s see what are the salient points of the corrected ordinance.
De Luca confirms the closure of schools
Ordinance n. 85 of October 26, 2020 signed by the President of the Campania Region, announces that the foregoing remains valid until October 31, except for exceptional interventions due to a sudden change in the epidemiological situation.
Despite the national provision (DPCM of 10/24/2020), De Luca confirms distance education for primary and secondary, the possible reactivation of the didactic activities in presence will be evaluated on the last day of the current month, by the Regional Crisis Unit which could also make different decisions on the fund, depending on the areas of the Campania region. The ban on face-to-face teaching has also been confirmed college, except for 1st year students.
Mobility and restoration
No changes, with respect to the previous ordinances, with respect to the activity of runners in non-isolated places, which will continue to be limited between 6:00 and 8:30, as long as it is carried out respecting physical distance.
the restaurant business (bars, restaurants, pastry shops, pizzerias and the like), must comply with the closing time established by the DCPM of October 24, 2020 (18:00), this ordinance of the Campania Region imposes a ban on commercial activities before mentioned the sale of take away food after 10:30 p.m. Shops that deliver home with their own means of transport are excluded, in this case, the last possible departure is at 11:00 pm.
Vincenzo De Luca confirms the ban on moving to another province in the region, and in accordance with the current provisions of the Prime Minister’s Decree of October 24, 2020, strongly invites citizens not to move between municipalities unless necessary. The curfew begins at 11:00 pm.
The Governor of Campania has given the mandate ofRegional Crisis Unit, to make a proposal on how the population should behave on the days when the deceased are commemorated, that is, November 1 and 2, 2020. The evaluation must reach De Luca’s table before October 28.