CONEGLIAN – The Dpcm has closed the two gyms it manages, and the video of its outburst – posted on Facebook – went viral in a few hours, with thousands of shares and likes. Andrea Antoniazzi, owner of the “Body Evidence” by Conegliano and Vittorio Veneto, however, did not need to shout or insult: with a calm tone he expressed all his disappointment and all his regret for the umpteenth blow that he and his category will have to face. to maintain.
Ten minutes in which the young entrepreneur shows all the sacrifices made to secure his sports centers: sanitization, distances, masks, protocols. But it did not help literally, because the last Dpcm signed by the premier Giuseppe Conte Gyms are closing down again.
“The structured centers have done it all – explains Antoniazzi -. Now the problem is serious. September was a great month, as people wanted to resume. In October, however, media terrorism that blocked the market resumed ”. Antoniazzi, who is a national advisor and regional delegate of Anif, the National Association of Sports and Fitness Facilities, had already perceived the bad signs that occurred after Conte’s words on Sunday, October 18.
The effects were felt immediately: “Last week we had zero registrations, after the words of the prime minister.” Then on Thursday the new guidelines came in and the blinds were lowered last night.
“Why did they close us?“Asks Antoniazzi, who showed his Conegliano plant in the video. However, its training room guarantees 5 square meters for each participant, an even greater distance than required by the protocols.
And now, obviously, we are also thinking about the new economic damage, after the one that caused the shutdown. Antoniazzi, in October alone, suffered losses of up to 50% in Vittorio Veneto and up to 45% in Conegliano.
And that’s not all, because when the reopening occurs, the issue of returns will come up again: “After the first lockdown we had to extend the subscriptions to compensate the partners. But now we can’t afford it. We will be destroyed when we reopen, we will not collect anything ”.
According to ANIF data, there is already talk of a 20-30% cut in personnel in Italy. “The world of sports does not have layoffs,” explains the businessman. The law is not the same for everyone, because state employees and politicians have a salary and we do not? I haven’t even received the 600 euros. “
And then comes the appeal to all gym directors and all athletes: “We must make ourselves heard.”