“The other pathologies did not end up locked in” – Corriere.it


«The other pathologies did not end up locked in. Too many tests and treatments are postponed for therapies that, like tumors, do not allow breaks and suspensions. the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella speaking in the Quirinale during the ceremony of celebration of “The Days of Investigation” he warned against sacrifice all other diseases to Covid 19. They are forceful and authoritative words that sound like a loud call in days full of controversy. Covid will be defeated by the search for increasingly effective therapies, starting with the vaccine. Obviously we will have to help her and help each other with the efficiency of the health organization, prevention and precaution, solidarity with those in need of care“With a firm stop:” No to irresponsible behavior. “

“For Covid team play”

The Head of State makes a new appeal to the sense of collective responsibility and the institutions to overcome the epidemic of covid-19. “Teams and laboratories around the world are working on coronavirus vaccine research and treatment. It is a team game and in this emergency it is good for the teams to dialogue and exchange studies. IStime of collaboration and alliances, not of selfishness. Skills and knowledge must be shared. We are confident because we believe that we can count on common goals. Fear, understandably, can push you to close in on yourself. But we know that, on the contrary, Only by strengthening the common commitment, the security of each will be more guaranteed “.

“Too many delays in the investigation”

The President of the Republic touched a key that has always been painful for our country: “We pay for delays and research shortages which made many Italian researchers go abroad. But we have many human strengths. In oncology, Italy is the world excellence. We need to invest even more in research to expand the facilities. The investigation will defeat the pandemic“Mattarella adds:” Research is associated with the term responsibility, the value of which we highly value today. The communication society, immediate and global, makes available knowledge that was previously inaccessible, but sometimes this can also be confusing and some end up in the tunnel of fake news, rumors, of the perverse will to deceive with disinformation. It even happens in the midst of this tragic pandemic: Voices are heard that lead to irresponsible behavior. and they push those who want to avoid collective responsibilities.

October 26, 2020 (change October 26, 2020 | 12:13)

