
“Local closures needed, the measures adopted are not enough. “According to hear Walter Ricciardi, advisor to Minister Roberto Speranza, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed the third Dpcm in a few days that, like the others, may not be of any use. TO general in La7 came the criticism of the government for how it is handling the second wave of the coronavirus: “It is rampant and uncontrolled in some areas of the country. – stressed Ricciardi – the set of measures are a step forward but they are not enough to deal with the circulation of the virus at this time. In some areas the infection rate is 2.5, which means that the transmission of the virus is exponential and more aggressive measures are needed. I am not saying that, but a study published by colleagues from the University of Edinburgh in The Lancet after analyzing the experiences of 131 countries in these seven months ”.
Just look at the France, which has since announced a absolutely useless curfew The situation has quickly precipitated: the same risks to be taken in Italy that for a month imposed the closure of bars and restaurants at 6 in the afternoon and the total stop of activities not considered essential, however considering that it could be useless, in fact only accentuate social problems. “The only thing that is needed to stop the contagion index is a blockade,” declared Ricciardi, who specified that a generalized one would not even be needed but depending on where the contagion is greater: “The blockade slows it down by 24%, a closure Selective schools increases the decrease by 15%. Compulsory smart work affects 13%, the limitation of public transport to 7%. The effects are seen after 8 days. The counselor of the Minister of Health is convinced that with this type of measures in cities like Milan. Naples and Rome “We could cut the contagion rate in half“Recalling that” with an index of 2.5, cases double every 2-3 days, and now it is unsustainable for health services in some areas, much less in a week or ten days. ”
