Contagion after contagion, how many had we seen in the province, not even on the darkest days of last spring (the highest peak was March 27 with 209 positives in one day).
Tension is high and administrators demand strict attention to the rules.
“The data on current infections in our province, more than 900, a number never seen before, along with the constant pressure on hospitals highlight the need to rigorously apply the new measures contained in President Conte’s decree, including those that I like that others do not share. However, I am also aware that the restrictions decided today will cause difficulties for many workers and companies. For this reason, together with other mayors, I asked for quick answers about the aid that will be launched and the certainty that the money will arrive in a very short time for the most penalized categories.
With these numbers, however, we have no choice but to apply all the measures implemented, especially in our territory. And, unfortunately, if the growth trend continues as today, new specific measures for the province will have to be evaluated ”. The mayor of Varese writes it on his facebook page Davide galimberti.
too Emanuele Antonelli The mayor of Busto Arsizio and president of the province uses Facebook to communicate also through an infographic that refers to infections in the city.
«Today in Busto the new positives are 90, which brings the total number of infected since the beginning of the year to 896. Of these, 381 are currently positive, with a mean age of 43 years. The figures may not seem high in proportion to the inhabitants, given that the total of positives currently corresponds to 0.45% of the population of Busto, while the daily swabs processed are higher than those of a few months ago.
But the #hospitals are filling up and the ER is robbed. For this reason, I ask everyone for maximum #prudence and #collaboration. We try to avoid possible crowds, we contact the general practitioners, we ask them for information and we do not create more chaos, please ».
«I do not want to generate alarmism, but as mayor I have the duty to inform you with the utmost #transparency: this is the reality of our territory and we must get out of it together. There would be a lot to say about the rest …
We are in the middle of a health, social and economic crisis and, once again, we are not prepared !!!
A new DPCM is released every other day, creating only panic and confusion. Nothing seems to be under control!
People need certainty, if it closes, economic measures are immediately needed to support it.. We do not make the same mistakes, the frustration is high and more than justified. People are struggling, they are still trying to make up for the losses from the first confinement. We can’t abandon them like this !!!
As an administration, we are doing everything in our power. We mayors cry out to be more listened to in order to have more resources and power to intervene in a concrete, fast and effective way in our territory.
191 positives in Gallarate that also worry the mayor Andrea Cassani who trusts in his facebook profile a video message with a very controversial tone with the Government’s options in school and transport matters.