New Dpcm, closed or open gyms? Sports, parties and ceremonies: what changes –


The curfew, which Conte invites us to use a less bellicose term, leaves Italians a margin of freedom. It closes the restaurants at 6 pm, but allows lunch on Sundays, a concession obtained by the Regions after a very tense negotiation. Citizens are asked move only by necessity, but the closure of the borders between Regions is not activated. And if it is recommended not to invite guests to the house, a real one prohibition not c ‘. The less part Chiara the one relating to sport, which leaves ample room for questions and interpretations. Are the ski resorts closed? S, but the Regions can reopen them. What about if He sport from contact are suspended, it seems difficult to punish a soccer coach who was caught running his would-be Ronaldo out in the open at a safe distance.

Prohibited sports: the lockout for gyms and swimming pools. And the stadiums return without an audience

After an arm wrestling that lasted days and internal tensions between the majority and the CTS, the decision was made: I am discontinued the attivit de palestre, swimming pools, swimming centers, health centers, thermal centers. And again, cultural centers, social centers and recreational centers. The possibility of carrying out basic sports activities and motor skills in general is maintained as long as it is outdoors in public and private sports clubs, without creating gatherings and respecting distances. discontinued contact sports, such as soccer, futsal, basketball: basic sports activities for fans, schools and initial training activities related to contact sports, as well as all competitions, competitions and activities related to contact sports, although have a playful-amateur character. In short, contact sport is prohibited, but to train children and young people in the open air and respecting the distances still possible. Another novelty is the stop to the public in the stadiums: in the decree there is no longer the step that allowed a thousand spectators outdoors and 200 indoors.

Sports are allowed: run and walk in the city. Stop skiing, ball to the regions

Remain allowed carry out sports or motor activity outdoor, even in picnic areas and public parks, but always respecting the distance of 2 meters for sports and 1 meter for any other activity, such as walking. And while individual and collective sports competitions are suspended, in public and private places, they remain permitted sporting events and competitions, recognized of national interest, in the professional and amateur sector, by the Coni, the Paralympic Committee and the respective national sports federations. Athletes of National Interest may continuation train, provided they do it behind closed doors. Controversial the question of skiing. In the written decree that the ski lifts are closed in the ski areas, which can only be used by athletes of national interest, professionals and non-professionals. But the Dpcm leaves the possibility of reopen facilities for amateur skiers if the Conference of the Regions adopts specific guidelines validated by the Scientific Technical Committee.

Parties prohibited indoors and outdoors. Stop at international festivals and fairs.

The new decree of the President of the Council of Ministers prohibits all acts that may cause meetings. the parties indoors and outdoors, including those resulting from civil and religious ceremonies, therefore banquets after weddings, baptisms, communions or confirmations are not allowed. However, the activities that take place in dance halls and discos and similar venues, outdoors or indoors, remain suspended. the festivals, fairs of any kind and other similar events. Until November 24 it will not even be possible to organize international fairs, as many had requested. Conventions, congresses and other events are also suspended, except for those held remotely. Everybody public ceremonies They are carried out in compliance with current protocols and guidelines and in the absence of the public. Another novelty compared to the previous Dpcm lo stop to the attivit of game rooms, betting rooms, bingo rooms and casinos.

Ceremonies – Weddings, confirmations and baptisms: limited number and distance

Dpcm allows religious functions with the participation of people in compliance with the protocols. Capacity must be indicated outside places of worship. According to the protocol drawn up with the Italian Episcopal Conference, they can celebrate confirmations ensuring compliance with the sanitary indications (in this phase the anointing can be done using a swab or towel for each confirmation), the same attention applies to anointing baptisms and for the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. As for the choirs, the members must maintain a lateral interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter and at least 2 meters between any row of the choir and the other subjects present. On the occasion of wedding, during the celebration the couple will not be able to use the mask. During the performance of religious services, then, members of the same family unit or partners / relatives, relatives with stable attendance are not obliged to distance themselves.

October 26, 2020 (change October 26, 2020 | 08:04)

