
“An irrational, blind, absurd decision”. Those of theimmunologist Antonella Viola against Dpcm just announced From the beginning Giuseppe Conte and that will take effect as of midnight on Sunday, October 25. In a post on Facebook, the Senior Lecturer in General Pathology in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Padua and Scientific Director of the Pediatric Research Institute has lashed out at the decisions implemented by the government to cope with the growth of infections in Italy which today has exceeded twenty thousand cases in one day.
Covid, Dpcm: what we can do or not do from today
“Not in my name”, is the title of the text written in your social profile. “The decision to impose the closure of bars and restaurants (because except in a few cases this means total closure, we are not mistaken), gyms, theaters and cinemas means condemning entire families to despair and a whole country in unsustainable social tension – writes Antonella Viola – It is an irrational, blind, absurd decision. I don’t know if these measures will have an impact on the spread of infections, and I honestly don’t think so., because people will meet anyway, but in uncontrolled places (but I hope I’m wrong). It will certainly have a disastrous impact on the health of many people and the entire community. “.
“On time – adds the immunologist – cases of depression, suicides, domestic violence will increase. Distance learning for all grades in high school will make things worse, both in the short and long term. For many children, school is the only safe place, the only tool that can save them, the only place to socialize. I know that someone in the government fought to prevent this from happening. Vice Minister Sileri called me last night and expressed his opposition to these useless and harmful measures.. But obviously irrationality prevailed over balance “.
“In a month – emphasizes Professor Viola – we will find ourselves in a country still hit by the epidemic but also disintegrated from the economic and social point of view. What will we do then? What will be done at the end of November when it is clear that the measures have not had the expected impact? Or, even if they worked miraculously, at that point what is the plan to get to the end of 2021, when perhaps the vaccine will actually be available to a large portion of the population? What will be done in this month of new sacrifices so that from November 24 everything will work again? There is no answer on this. We sail in sight because no one has thought to turn on the radar “.
“The radar is the data – explains Antonella Viola – those that should have been collected in recent months for follow-up. Those data that, if used wisely, should tell us where the infection occurs and where it does not. The radar is also foresight, the knowledge that the virus will not disappear, that the vaccine will not be a quick fix and that we cannot pass between the blockade and the curfew. Imposing such heavy elections without having proof of their necessity and effectiveness is not admissible».
Last update: October 26 at 10:02