The administrators of the Northern League and the leader Matteo Salvini are studying the hypothesis of resorting to the TAR against the Dpcm recently launched by the government. The idea came up during a lengthy conference call between Salvini and Lega Nord governors, mayors and other local administrators. “A day of confrontation for Matteo Salvini, who listened to the concerns of the mayors and governors of the League.
In the late afternoon – sources from the Northern League explain – the leader of the first Italian party met by teleconference with the presidents of the Regions, concerned that the sacrifices imposed by the government would bring the economy to its knees without producing effective results in the health front ”. The first citizens of the League, said the same sources, “are considering resorting to the Tar against the Dpcm. For the umpteenth time, local administrators have complained about the total absence of confrontation and participation by the government. “