
Franco Bechis
How many bartenders have tested positive for coronavirus? How many restaurateurs, waiters, theater actors, cinema employees, gym employees? And how many customers or viewers? More or less than schoolchildren? More or less of your teachers? Without the answers to these questions, the new dpcm signed yesterday after many discussions by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is sincerely incomprehensible. As you know, it establishes the closure of bars, restaurants, pubs, pizzerias and all places of conviviality from the 18th onwards.
For some of them it is a real confinement, for others it is half a service, as if the virus disdains lunch, preferring to infect everyone at dinner or immediately afterwards. It is not only to defend the rights of those who make a living from this activity – businessmen and employees – that we ask these questions, but because once again in recent months who should protect the health of Italians – the central government as unfortunately most of the local administrators – seems to be groping for no reason. And the result is there for all to see, in contagion accounting that grows tumultuously every day to indicate that virus containment choices made a few days or weeks earlier have proven to be completely ineffective.
Although it is now a fact that the second wave of Covid has violently restarted as a result of the reopening of schools that took place throughout the national territory as of September 24. Fifteen days after that date, the virus exploded again and it cannot be a coincidence. It is evident from all the numbers and calculations made that the school has not been safely reopened at all. The rules of the single or wheel benches were ridiculous and imaginative, and those that have now gone down in history at a distance of one meter “from the rhymes of the pupils’ mouths” (as if the children were marble statues that never moved from the sitting position). But it was just as risky to open schools without a rotation of schedules, making their entrance coincide with the moment of maximum agglomeration in public transport and shelters and waiting stations. It seems that everything has been decided by people who are on the moon and who did not even accidentally cross reality. It is clear how far the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, was, who has no idea of the physical state of most of the buildings in our schools, or of the life that goes on inside. He came from school, but as the history on his tax returns clearly shows, he must have attended very little, either because of insecurity, or because he chose to be a trade unionist.

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Certainly, the Minister of Transport, Paola De Micheli, is also far from the reality she faces, I have heard with an annoying presumption to boast of having reduced to 80% the agglomeration of public transport, the only one in Europe. She also lives on the moon and never once got out of the blue ministerial car by chance to get on a bus, she would have seen the practical translation: 20% of the space is subtracted to protect the driver’s cabin, and in 80 remaining% in peak races the vehicle is full like an egg. There is no worse stockpiling and risk than that mix between school, transportation and resuming work in presence more or less at the same time.
It is not wise to punish some random Italian workers over others without even feeling a duty to show reasons. It is an injustice, and at least the Prime Minister has shown that he knows it. Both, as to announce in the next few hours the launch of a decree law that assigns aid to these categories, speeding up their disbursement thanks to the Tax Agency. Well, although judging it thoroughly we would like to see (we, but especially those directly interested) the details of those “refreshments” that last spring were not such and have frozen many hopes.
However, I remember that all these activities were reopened by Conte last May after it was established in the meetings of the government’s scientific technical committee on May 8 and 10 that each municipality should be transformed to adapt to the measures of security established there that intervened. in the “distribution of the restaurant with the remodeling of tables and seats”, taking the space for each client from 1.2 meters to 4 square meters, introducing dividing barriers in some cases, even modifying the menus and totally transforming between the others things also the safe and the toilets. Rules to be able to carry out this activity safely. Others have been imposed on cinemas, theaters, gyms to mention activities closed by this dpcm. Its owners made such significant investments. And since after two months of closure, the available liquidity was gone, almost everyone bet on their business, took out loans and got even more debt. These debts have served to comply with the conditions imposed on them by the same government that now certifies their absolute or partial uselessness. Those sums should be returned in full without even a minute’s thought.