Coronavirus in Piedmont | October 25, 2020 | Infection rate at 18% | Dead Cases | Healed


New increase in infections registered today, Sunday, October 25, 2020, in Piedmont: 2,287 new cases were registered out of a total of 12,657 swabs, with a contagion rate of even 18%. Among other things, asymptomatic patients decrease, which is only 45% of the total (until a few days ago they were 60%). The negative picture today is completed with 11 deaths, of which two occurred in the last 24 hours (the rest were verified by autopsies of patients who died in the previous days. Hospitalizations are also bad, which today have grown by 124 units of the Of which six are in therapy, the number of people in home isolation increased to 18,182.

The cases of people who have tested positive for the virus in Piedmont so far are 55,535 divided as follows by provinces: 5,708 Alessandria, 2,826 Asti, 1,830 Biella, 6,691 Cuneo, 4,758 Novara, 28,963 Turin, 2,225 Vercelli, 1,605 Verbano- Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 407 residents outside the region, but in charge of the Piedmontese health structures. The remaining 522 cases are pending and territorial assignment.

The total number of deaths is now 4,259 divided by province as follows: 696 Alessandria, 261 Asti, 221 Biella, 409 Cuneo, 398 Novara, 1,869 Turin, 231 Vercelli, 133 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, in addition to 41 residents outside of the region, but died in Piedmont.

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Virologically cured patients are 29,968 (+70 compared to yesterday), divided as follows by provinces: 3,635 (+2) Alessandria, 1,681 (+6) Asti, 936 (+2) Biella, 3,030 (+11) Cuneo , 2,860 (+18) Novara, 15,120 (+25) Turin, 1,428 (+2) Vercelli, 1068 (+4) Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, as well as 210 (+0) from other regions. Another 1,431 have recovered clinically.
