Covid Campania, search for beds also in nursing homes: stop hospitalizations and interventions


In hospitals it is like in war: Cardarelli Yesterday there was no longer a free seat in the Covid pavilions, and while in the rear an effort was made to recover others – beyond the threshold of 130 already converted (40 more than those required by the Region) – dozens of ambulances were found In the emergency department, it is also classified with code red patients for pneumonia. An incessant work without counting the rest of non-Covid patients to attend. Cardarelli is the only one that does not stop for disinfection while all the first lines of the other main ones are paralyzed by the virus. Sars-Cpv-2 spread gallops as the days go by. A scenario common to many regions but that travels in Naples and Campania about seven days in advance. At the last summit, yesterday at the Crisis Unit, it was pointed out that the so-called “Phase D” of activation of 1,650 beds in public facilities is almost over and we must go further. On paper, a residual availability of about 350 ordinary hospitalization units for Covid would emerge, but in reality all transfer attempts from peripheral hospitals and the city break the barrier completely. Restricted seats only in internal areas. In fact, there is a good margin only for intensive care (227 places activated and 113 occupied), but this trend does not continue for long.

For this reason, the Region now turns its gaze towards approx. 5,000 beds in accredited nursing homes– So far the only side that citizens can turn to for non-urgent medical or surgical hospitalization. As of today, the brake is being applied on this front as well in view of a probable use for activities related to the care of Covid-19 patients. The crisis unit with an official note ordered the suspension, effective today and until further notice, of scheduled hospitalizations, both medical and surgical, deferred and non-urgent, in accredited private nursing homes and classified and religious hospitals (Fatebenefratelli, Betania, Camilliani). Folding shutters also for outpatient activities except for urgent ones, dialysis, radiotherapy and oncological or chemotherapy. A close meeting with the representatives of the category (Aiop) is foreseen to establish the methods of access and remuneration. The condition is that payments are insured for services actually rendered (not for inactivity as in confinement) and only when first aid activities are insured. With an exhausted budget for the specialist and with the closure of all public and private hospitalization clinics, where are non-Covid patients treated? Therefore, it is urgent to fund additional outpatient services with respect to exhausted spending caps and guarantee assistance in structures and pathways dedicated to non-Covid patients.


Meanwhile, at the Covid Center ofHospital del Mar Another 10 intensive care places are being activated (16 of the 72 planned, of which 5 are occupied) while the hospital’s outpatient surgery, recently converted to receive Covid patients, 8 sub-intensive therapeutic beds have been activated (all free ) and 40 hospitalized who with five arrivals yesterday returned to touch the maximum capacity (only one available). The Covid Center of the Loreto Mare hospital has also been sold for weeks, with capacity for a single patient. Finally, asymptomatic positives also increased in hospitalization at the Covid del Ospedale del Mare Residence, created to allow the period of quarantine or protected discharge from hospitals. For now, 6 of the 42 rooms are occupied for individual use or for two partners. And as of October 28, local health authorities know, it doubles with another 42 rooms.

Last updated: 23:02 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
