
A Rome the number of citizens in quarantine grows every day (there are more than 100,000, the equivalent of a town like Udine or Terni) and while many respect the procedure in an orderly manner, despite frequent delays in swabs and controls, more than one takes the outskirts of isolation, regardless of the risks. Many take advantage of the fact that in the face of these numbers, it has become impossible for ASL to control everyone.
Covid, escape from quarantine
There are those who leave Covid hotels at night – the last episode, yesterday: a Senegalese man has lost track of a hotel in Latina Scalo – others are at work as if nothing had happened, perhaps at a store checkout , in the comings and goings of customers. And there are those who run away from home, despite the high viral load, for reasons, so to speak, outside of work. Or rather extramarital.
“A husband left the house to go with his lover. And it has also infected her », says Simona Ursino, director of the Sisp (Sanitation and Public Health Service) of ASL Roma 4, while wearing her first smile after weeks of pressure, on the front line.
«It happened in Ladispoli, but it is not the first time – he adds – The opposite also happens: many wives” positivize “after lovers …». Joking aside, the situation in Lazio is serious: Covid patients undergoing isolation are 21,193, out of 22,815 positives (the others are hospitalized in Covid wards or in intensive care). But it is a figure, that of the 20 thousand infected people treated at home, which must be quintupled (at least) if we take into account that for every positive verified, there is a network of family members, acquaintances, work colleagues or schoolmates, who they should be self-confining at least until the swab results.
Naturally, the local health authorities are in trouble, also because despite the calls and funds made available by the Region, they struggle to hire available doctors to take care of the location. Many prefer to be hired elsewhere rather than spend their shift picking swabs and rebuilding the chain of infections in reverse. Indispensable but exhausting work. “The blockades are many, we cannot monitor all of them,” sums up Ursino from ASL Roma 4. Antonio Miglietta, Sisp manager at ASL Roma 2, says: «Cases have increased strongly in recent weeks. Basically we expect at least one home call per day, but this is not always successful. However, at the first suspicion, we send the local police to check them. We have been doing this since the summer, when we had a problem with some Bangladeshis, and this helped many to understand that the rules must be followed.
Not everyone understood. Over the weekend, a positive Bengali was surprised at the Tuscolano. After the tampon, I was working in the store. “We have identified 3 more in the last period,” says Pier Luigi Bartoletti, head of Uscar, the special control units. “In Covid hotels, surveillance must be strengthened. They are not prisons, of course, but the guard must be high, for the good of all.”
Yesterday an infected Senegalese escaped from a hotel at the Latina airport. Agents from the Pontine Police Headquarters follow him. In ASL Roma 4 they had problems with some guests of the Hotel Francalancia. “Many want to shorten the quarantine, they threaten us: they are kidnapping us – the doctors say – but we are only respecting the emergency rules.” In Asl Roma 1, the homeless have ended up in hotels. “Not everyone is used to the isolation rules – explains the manager Enrico Di Rosa – We have had some cases of quarantine violated, although most of the people, fortunately, respect the procedures”. But even a few dozen out-of-control cases may be enough to multiply the infection and prolong the tough curfew and lockdown season for everyone.