The voice of closed gyms and swimming pools: “Well-being stopped despite security”


Giampolo Duregon, president of ANIF: “The already proven sector is exhausted and many will not reopen”

Turn off the lights of gyms and swimming pools: it seems like the magic formula to be able to turn on the Christmas lights. The grip of sport has arrived Sunday October 25 at lunch time. So after you suitable , fought, waited, tested each card, the result unfortunately did not change: the structures were of closed again and the staff went home. Huge price, very high, a much higher bill to pay to March. A large sector of workers is still at stake. But President Conte gives guarantees of immediate compensation. And this news helps. Important numbers in this important sector 1 million of the initiates and twenty millions of citizens attending the centers. They tried to bring back the gym 30/35% who had not yet returned after the close of March. Now we start from scratch. But why, if the gyms and swimming pools have respected the regulations, the guaranteed safety, now they have to close?

“The sport is wellness, doing physical activity is health, it helps the body and mind, raises the immune system and fights important diseases such as heart disease, diabetes – explains Giampaolo Duregon, President of Anif (National Association of Sports and Fitness Facilities) representing the interests of 100,000 Sport centers. Already the DPCM that granted one week to gyms, swimming pools to adapt the few structures that are still not up to the task, it sounded like a phrase. Many have begun to abandon them, despite the strict protocols in place since May and the successful controls of ASL and NAS carried out over the past week. No gym or pool has ever been a hotbed of infections, very low numbers (the1 x 1000). Now the agony is over and with it the life of many structures: they will not open again, they will no longer have the strength. And with them many jobs will disappear. It is feared that times will lengthen … even in March the planned weeks were only at the beginning Three. Regarding aid, the Minister of Sport Vincenzo Spadafora, who has always defended the sector by all means, especially the sports base, has fought and continues to do so, has declared that since November 15, 2020 First refunds are expected for coaches with an increase of 200 euros: from 600 to 800 like an allowance, fifty million funds lost to ASD, SSD Immediately non-refundable automatic for SPD with Ateco codes that had already used it. In the hope that the world of sports can resume as soon as possible. Despite the help another month or more months will produce damages, which are added to the incurred loss ”.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said he regretted being forced to close by numbers in constant growthWe are sure of it, just as the various managers who have significant losses behind them are very sorry. One question remains unanswered: wouldn’t it have been possible to try to avoid it?

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