Reorganize the business of tracking, to at least be able to isolate the members of the family of the positive and rub the symptomatic. While the curve of contagion exceeds altitude 21 thousand almost in one day and the coronavirus escapes the control of health authorities, regions they address the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, asking to establish some priority when searching for contacts. “Wherever it appears impossible full contact tracing, regions will be able to reorganize tracing and detection activities by identifying priorities for timely interventionHow to isolate the components of the nuclear family where the positive case was registered “and the execution of the swab first to symptomatic patients, we read in the letter sent by the president of the Conference of Regions, Stefano bonaccini. Faced with such a high number, in fact, the tracking showed its weaknesses and shortcomings. The premier himself admitted it Giuseppe Conte: “The monitoring system works well, but if we reach 20,000 cases a day, it becomes complex“The government is now trying to take cover: yesterday, the October 24th, was published on ad recruit 2 thousand operators. Of these, 1,500 they will be personal doctor me sanitary employed to carry out the tampons, while they will be there 500 employees administrative support health establishments involved in the management of contact tracking.
The distribution of the operators who will be in charge of tracing the relationships between a positive and his contacts had been agreed upon by the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia on the occasion of the meeting with Regions which took place on October 22. But the governors already know that this recruitment will not be enough to solve the problem, at least in the face of such a high number of infections. “In many regions, due to the daily numbers of the new positivity objectively it is difficult to trace and reach all potential contacts and it will still be necessary to establish priorities within more effective strategies ”, reads the letter sent to Minister Speranza. In the context of these priorities, writes Bonaccini, “First, care must be taken that the components of the nuclear family where the positive case was registered. If the latter turned out symptomatic, you will have to run the rapid antigenic swab or the molecular swab, while if they remain asymptomatic, the quick swab or the molecular swab will be performed at the end of the Tenth day isolation “. To close asymptomatic contacts,” once they have finished ID and its isolation, the swab will not necessarily be performed, except in special cases which will be evaluated by the public health services. It is clear that in the case of the appearance of symptoms, will go to them instead promptly made the molecular swab, ”the letter continues.
A new strategy not to lose definitely curve control. According to the latest report fromHigher Institute of Health of Rome on the trend of Covid-19 in Italy, only in the last week 1 positive su 4 it was discovered thanks to tracking. The others were determined after the appearance of the symptoms. A sign that the deterioration of the epidemic is reflected in a workload that is no longer sustainable by local health services and that the tracking in some territories he is no longer capable To keep the diffusion of contagion. Since school comes the testimony of directors forced to independently make the decision to quarantine classes, due to ASL delays. The government had set a goal in May to have at least one tracker for every 10,000 inhabitants: In mid-October, however, there were only 9,000 in the entire country. The regions did not hire them, in part because tenders closed due to lack of personnel.
Ad – It will be possible to participate in the selection by filling in the to form, already available on the website of the Department of Civil protection, until 7 pm October 26th 2020. They will be able to participate in the selection for the 1,500 places of medical personnel medici, nurses, assistants sanitary, technicians prevention and students University students in the disciplines of nursing and health. The 500 people who will work for him administrative support of contact tracing activities, will be chosen instead from subjects between the ages of i 18 and 30 years old, in possession of diploma high school and european driving license Ecdl. Participation in both procedures is allowed only for the Region of residence or stay. At the end of the selection procedure, the Department prepare a list at the regional level that will be published on the departmental website. Then it will depend on the Regions and of Autonomous province foresee the assignment of tasks.
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