The president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, spoke on Rai Tre’s “Che tempo che fa” program.
“We have the amount of intensive care that we need, but if we continue with 2,500 infections a day, no health system can handle it. In addition to saving lives, people should also have bread at the end of the month. So let’s not waste time, let’s launch a national socio-economic aid plan that will give serenity to families and companies ”.
“The world of school, whether we like it or not, is one of the greatest vectors of contagion in families. About school we keep stuttering. According to the epidemiological data available to us, with a comparison between the two weeks before the start of the school year and the two following, in the following two weeks the infection increased three times in the general population and increased in the age group of 0 to 18 nine times. With a worrying fact: the age range of the infection is identical for 0-5 years and 15-18 years ”.
Campania, ordinance on the way: De Luca confirms the closure of primary and secondary schools
Still: “90% of the citizens gave an exceptional test. There is a social unrest that deserves clear and quick answers. There were pieces of the Camorra, neo-fascists and antagonists. The Camorra is interested in having a free field “, has explained. “The word of the confinement has nothing to do with that. The violent show was already organized “