Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed the new Dpcm overnight, imposing additional tightening to try to stop the second wave of coronavirus infections across Italy. The rules in force in the national territory therefore prevail over those contained in the latest ordinances signed by Governor Attilio Fontana in Lombardy: the regions, in fact, have the power to make some of the measures adopted by the government more strict, but not to expand them. So, what changes in Lombardy starting tomorrow, Monday, October 26? Here is everything we know so far.
Curfew in Milan: on Saturdays the nightlife areas and the deserted streets of the center are controlled at 11 pm
First Saturday curfew at 11pm in Milan, between checkpoints in the busiest areas of nightlife and in the underground and deserted streets of the center. The ordinance signed this week by the Lombardy Region, which allowed people to move within that hour and left bars and restaurants open until 11 at night, however, is replaced and integrated by the new Dpcm government: bars and restaurants must close at 6 pm, the curfew remains. from 11pm to 5am – READ THE ARTICLE
Coronavirus, Conte signs the new Dpcm: in semi-lockdown for a month. Stop at bars and restaurants at 6pm but they open on Sundays
by Valeria Forgnone, Giovanna Vitale

Coronavirus, new Dpcm: what changes in Lombardy?
Governor Fontana signed two ordinances on October 21 valid through November 13. Instead, the new Dpcm extends anti-Covid measures until November 24.
Covid in Milan, emergency call record: 1,200 requests in one day
by Zita Dazzi

Coronavirus in Lombardy, stop in bars and restaurants at 6 pm: the new Dpcm establishes it
The government decree establishes that all restoration and administration activities must cease at 6 p.m., every day of the week, including Sundays. That is why bars, restaurants, pubs and the like must close at that time: thus exceeding the Lombard ordinance that allowed bars and restaurants to remain open until 11:00 p.m., with the obligation to only do table service from 12:00 p.m. 18:00 hours. For restaurants it means, at this point, canceling dinners and night shifts. For bars, no more late-night snacks, not even for those seated at the table. The Dpcm limits those allowed per table to 4 people unless they are living together: the Lombard ordinance reached 6..
Milan, the curfew is in force: the camera car on the deserted streets of the city

Coronavirus and new Dpcm: curfew is maintained in Lombardy
The curfew from 11 to 5 in the morning established by Governor Fontana is a restrictive measure compared to that of the Dpcm: therefore, it can remain in force. Therefore, it will be necessary to continue using self-certifications to move at those times for proven needs.
Coronavirus in Lombardy, cinemas and theaters closed
The Dpcm exceeds the Lombard ordinance that allowed cinemas and theaters to remain open within the limits of the curfew: all closed until November 24.
Distance education in Lombardy, Azzolina and Fontana: “Find other solutions”. The answer: “Critical situation here”

Coronavirus in Lombardy, the distance education node for secondary school
The government sets distance education for secondary schools at least 75%. Lombardy, which, amid clashes with mayors, has established full distance learning, may continue on its way, unless the government challenges the order.
Coronavirus in Lombardy: Banned from selling stationery, household items, games and bedding in supermarkets on weekends
by Oriana Liso

Coronavirus, shopping centers closed in Lombardy for the weekend
The Lombard ordinance would remain in force, which establishes that shopping centers and medium-sized and large stores close on Saturdays and Sundays. But, as already established, these businesses will be able to continue selling food and basic necessities by closing the other aisles.
Coronavirus, the new rules of sport
Lombard’s ordinance prohibited contact sports competitions but not training, with the government’s new provision that all sports centers, swimming pools, spas and wellness centers, and ski areas are closed. You can continue playing sports outdoors with spacing. Closed casinos, game rooms and bingo halls.