“Many rape it and generate outbreaks”


Covid, the rebels of fiduciary isolation:

It also happens that those who are in isolation because they are waiting to know if they have contracted Covid come out freely, or try to do so anyway. “Many people ask if they can shorten the isolation time because they are too long. I want to be clear: you can’t, you have to respect the times indicated by the doctor. We are full of cases of patients who continued with their lifestyle while waiting for a report. The consequence was that those people created clusters (groups of people who later tested positive for the coronavirus, ed), “he says. Annamaria roscioni, in charge of the Covid toll-free number activated by the Lazio Region. He works seven days a week, the shifts of doctors who answer the phone are very fast: more than 3,000 calls arrive a day.

Doctor Roscioni, what is the difference between the post-vacation phone calls you received in August and those you received now?

«Certainly the number. Regarding the content of the post-holiday calls, the users’ request was limited to the routes to follow around those areas where there were known and identified outbreaks: I am referring, for example, to Sardinia. They were people without symptoms and / or occasional contacts of positive cases. The calls are now in place of people with flu or parainfluenza symptoms, thus similar to Covid, who want clarification on the diagnostic and treatment paths to follow. In addition to calls from close contacts of people who have been confirmed the diagnosis of Covid-19, who ask for clarification about the possibility / need to perform swabs».

Covid Lazio, today’s newsletter, October 24: 1,687 new cases (728 in Rome) and 9 victims. 7% positive buffer ratio

How is it infected?

«From what we find in the calls received, it is clear that the virus is circulating more than in March, so becoming infected now is easier, because the greater the probability of having contact with contagious subjects who, almost always, are in the clinical phase of absence. symptoms or mild symptoms. Therefore, it is very important to maintain high protection even in the context of friends and family, paying close attention to contacts with older people who must be absolutely protected from the virus.».

Frequently asked questions from users who call you?

«We currently receive more than 3,000 calls a day. Calls of all kinds come in: from the non-resident in Lazio who asks how to access services, to the explanation of the quarantine measures and fiduciary isolation. If we wanted to make a ranking, we can say that the most frequent questions refer to the paths to follow in case of contact with confirmed positives. Then there are a good part of the calls that come from the contacts of close contacts who ask if it is necessary to undergo a swab, along with calls from citizens with flu symptoms who want to orient themselves towards the correct path of diagnosis and treatment. Many also ask for information on the different types of tampons and the methods of prescription and execution.».

Covid, swabs in one of every two pharmacies in Rome. Family doctors, to rapid tests

What essential information do you want to give users?

“MEIn case of flu and parainfluenza symptoms, it is necessary to first notify your doctor or pediatrician of your choice. The medical professional, who knows the clinical history of the patient, will surely be able to guide him towards the most correct path for the management of the disease. Call the toll-free number 800 118 800 for information: doctors, nurses and psychologists work on the toll-free number, able to answer all requests for information about Covid-19. I also remind you that the toll-free number cannot prescribe tampon or medication prescriptions. Limit yourself to going to the emergency health services (118 or First Aid) only in cases of compromise of vital parameters, or if the symptoms are severe in patients with other known pathologies (cardiovascular, pulmonary, neoplastic …) Keep your distance, respect the rules, don’t underestimate the risk of contagion. It is the only way to defeat the virus. Unfortunately, citizens think about staying away from strangers, but the virus also infects our friends and therefore, with a little sacrifice, we can overcome it. Clearances, masks and thorough hand washing. Forever».

When do I have to resort to having a swab done in a private facility?

“The tampon is always prescribed by a doctor with a red or dematerialized prescription (convenient because it can be received by mail). Even the free white paper recipe is fine. Many users who have to take a test for travel reasons are using it. Swabs should not be performed immediately after being grasped in doubt of having been in contact with an established positive case. There are precise times, I realize that users are getting anxious and want to do the swab but you have to follow the instructions of the treating doctor.

Covid, guide to rapid tests in Rome: where to do them and how much they cost

What are the most common mistakes?

“THEIR a question related to the previous one. The most common errors are those of resorting to emergency health services (118 or First Aid) in the absence of a real need. Another common mistake is wanting to perform diagnostic tests (swabs) in the absence of specific indications from the doctor himself or the services in charge of the ASL, or wanting to shorten the times with respect to what is expressly indicated by the subjects themselves. These attitudes do not help to counteract the pandemic, they only run the risk of collapsing a health system that, with great effort, is trying to stop this new pandemic wave.».

Is there someone who would like to shorten the time?

“We have seen many stories of people waiting for a tampon and continuing their lifestyle and then going out and meeting other people. We know the times are long but we are processing a large number of tampons per day. I want to appeal to a sense of responsibility: we have to wait for the report in isolation, it is very important.

Movement between regions is allowed. But it is “strongly recommended” not to

Covid Italia, today’s newsletter, October 24: almost 20,000 cases (19,644) and 151 deaths. Intensive care: +79

Last updated: 16:57

