Starting Monday, October 26: restaurants, bars and ice cream parlors close at 6:00 p.m. Instead, they can play the harp on Sunday. Stop at gyms and swimming pools. Distance learning in high school even up to 100 percent
VENICE. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed the Dpcm with the new grip on the coronavirus that comes into force Monday October 26, until November 24. Remains fixed on 18 the closure of public places. Therefore, on Sundays and holidays, bars and restaurants can remain open. So this is what changes with the new government decision.
RESTAURANTS AND BARS. Close early at 18 for the entire restaurant sector. They will be able to open from 5. But on Sundays and holidays, contrary to what was leaked in recent days, they will be able to remain open. Consumption at the table is allowed for a maximum of four people not coexist. On the other hand, catering in hotels is still allowed without a time limit, but “limited to your customers”. Autogrills also remain open, as well as bars and restaurants in hospitals and airports. The first reaction of the operators of the sector. Confcommercio: in addition to the bans, immediate compensation was needed.
GYMS, POOLS, SPORTS. Serrata for gyms, swimming pool and also sports clubs where training was allowed until now. You can continue jogging and physical activity, with the rules in force during the confinement. Same situation for swimming centers, wellness centers, spas, “with the exception of services that are within the essential levels of assistance”. the science Amateur practice can only be practiced with the adoption of guidelines aimed at avoiding meetings, by the Conference of Regions and validated by the Scientific Technical Committee.
Hair salons and beauticians remain open. Closed cultural centers, social and recreational centers. The activities of games rooms, betting rooms and bingo halls and casinos. As well as those of Theme and amusement parks. Prohibited festivals, he exhibitions and the like. On the other hand, access of children and young people is allowed to “places destined to recreational, recreational and educational activities, even non-formal, indoor or outdoor, with the obligation to adopt specific security protocols developed in accordance with the guidelines of the Department of Family Policies “.
SCHOOL The percentage of distance education in high school increases: it will come 75%, in secondary schools even up to 100%. The school principals will decide which classes the remote lessons will follow, if only a few or all five years. On the other hand, teaching in the first cycle remains unchanged, from kindergarten to high school, which will be fully present. Students’ entry and exit times are further modulated, including through the possible use of afternoon shifts and provided that entry does not take place before 9 am in any case, as is already the case today.
COMPETITIONS Public and private contests can still be held. In the text of the Dpcm signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, the prohibition to carry it out provided for in the draft is actually skipped. In fact, in the letter z of article 1 of the text circulated yesterday it is indicated that “the public and private bankruptcy procedures and those of qualification to the profession are suspended … with the exception of those of health and civil protection personnel … without prejudice to the procedures in progress.
SAMPLE Suspended cinemas, theaters, concerts, both indoors and outdoors. Stop at the discos.
MOVEMENTS The final version of the Dpcm “strongly recommends” not to move, by means of public or private transport, except for reasons of work, study, health, situations of need, to carry out activities or use non-suspended services. “However, in comparison With the latest draft, the specification is missing according to which it was recommended not to move “from the municipality of residence, domicile or domicile.” The point, during yesterday’s meetings, had been among the most discussed also because the government was circulating the hypothesis of a travel ban between regions. Prohibition that, in the text signed by Conte, not be inserted. Here you find the model for transfers to download.