A long and sometimes painful mediation. Discussions, proposals, balancing attempts of the many interests at stake, but taking into account the main and predominant good of health and the state of sanitary system that shows signs of suffering and has been warning for days about the danger of breakage. And so the new decree was signed to try to stop the coronavirus epidemic that yesterday in Italy registered more than 19 thousand infections. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte signed at night. Distance learning for high schools even above 75%, closing all 18 of everything restaurants, Pub me ice cream parlors. Measures that, therefore, are affected by the tug of war with the Regions. However, unlike the first draft, the venue will be open on Sundays, as requested by the governors. Therefore, the government is accelerating soda measures gives 1.5-2 billion for the categories most affected by the measures. A council of ministers could be called in the next few hours. The new measures will be in effect from tomorrow until November 24.
LOCAL – All day yesterday and still today The Regions had proposed to the government to leave the premises open until 11:00 p.m. and in some cases the governors had proposed to “exchange” this request with a 100 percent distance education, a circumstance that the executive wanted to avoid. The activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors and patisseries) “are allowed from 5 in the morning until 18 in the afternoon. Consumption at the table is allowed for up to four people per table, Unless they all live together After 6 pm “the consumption of food and beverages in public places and open to the public is prohibited.” Catering is allowed in hotels and other accommodation facilities without a time limit for its clients, who stay there ”.
HIGH SCHOOLS – In the high school it can be possible bring distance learning even above 75%. In the draft distributed yesterday, however, “a participation equal to 75% of the activities” was foreseen in Dad, but in the final version the article was rewritten providing “a participation equal to at least 75% of the activities”. A formula that, in fact, complies with the different Regions that had asked to take Dad 100%. Now that the ball passes into the hands of the school autonomies, it will be the principals who decide the part of dad: from this figure we must safeguard students with disabilities and Bes, or special educational needs.
SMART WORK – “It is highly recommended that private employers use the agile way of working.”
CLOSED CINEMAS, THEATERS AND GYMNASIUMS – Stop at cinemas, theaters, casinos, gambling halls – Stop at gyms, pools, spas, and spas. Post-wedding vacations are also suspended.
SKI FACILITIES CLOSED – The dpcm provides for the closure of ski resorts. “The lifts of the ski areas are closed. It can only be used by professional and non-professional athletes, recognized of national interest by the Coni, the CIP and / or the respective federations to allow the preparation oriented to the realization of national and international sports competitions or the realization of said competitions. The lifts are open to amateur skiers only after the adoption of specific guidelines by the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces and validated by the Technical-Scientific Committee, aimed at avoiding crowds of people and, in general, meetings ”.
MOVEMENTS – The final version of the Dpcm “strongly recommends” not to move, by public or private means of transport, except for reasons of work, study, health, situations of need, to carry out activities or use non-suspended services. “However, in comparison With the latest draft, the specification is missing according to which it was recommended not to move “from the municipality of residence, domicile or home.” The point, during yesterday’s meetings, had been among the most discussed also because it circulated in the government the hypothesis of a travel ban between regions. Prohibition that, in the text signed by Conte, not be inserted.
PUBLIC AND PRIVATE COMPETITIONS – Public and private contests can still be held. In fact, in the text of the decree the prohibition to carry it out provided for in the draft has been skipped. In fact, in the letter z of article 1 of the text circulated yesterday it was said that “the conduct of public and private bankruptcy procedures and those of qualification to the profession are suspended … with the exception of those of health personnel and civil protection … subject to ongoing procedures “.
DISABLED – “People with motor disabilities or with autistic disorders, intellectual or sensory disabilities or psychiatric and behavioral problems or who are not self-sufficient with the need for support, can reduce social distancing with their companions or assistance operators, operating in any capacity, below the planned distance “.
COLDIRETTI: “ONE BILLION LOSSES” – The early closure at 6:00 p.m. and smart work will have a negative cascade effect in the national agri-food sector, with a loss of turnover of more than one billion due to the lack of sales of food and beverages in the month of application of the Containment measuresSays Coldiretti. “A drastic collapse of the activity that – Coldiretti emphasizes – weighs on the sale of many agri-food products, from wine to beer, from meat to fish, from fruit to vegetables but also on high quality meats and cheeses that are consumed outside the home. an important exit market. In some sectors such as fish and wine, the restaurant industry even represents the main marketing channel for billing ”.
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Nueva Dpcm, Zaia press: “Closing the premises at 23:00 is reasonable.” Ricciardi: “The curfew is not enough, now selective closures”
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Covid, here is the new dpcm signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte – THE FULL TEXT