all requests from regions for the new dpcm


The list of applications from the Regions has been prepared with a view to the signing – postponed to date – of the new dpcm that will introduce the new measures to combat Covid. A series of key points that the governors brought to the attention of the government through a letter sent by the president of Emilia Romagna and president of the Conference of Regions, Stefano Bonaccini.

These observations are, in all probability, the reason for postponing the signing of the decree, initially scheduled for last night. These are the applications: extension of distance education up to 100% for secondary schools and universities; In order to make the work of the Local Health Authorities / Regions sustainable in times of emergency by reducing the workload due to difficulties in contact tracing, swabs (molecular or antigenic) should only be used for symptomatic and close contacts ( relatives and partners) after evaluation. of the Prevention Departments and the daily phone call of people in isolation or quarantine should be reserved for specific cases after evaluation by the public health worker.

And again: restaurants closing time at 11pm, with table service only. In the case of bars, they will close at 8:00 p.m., except in shops that can guarantee table service. Eliminate the obligation to close on Sundays. Delete from article 1, paragraph 6, letter f, the reference “facilities in ski areas”; plan to close shopping centers on weekends, with the exception of grocery stores and pharmacies. In addition, the Government’s attention is directed to “the need to eliminate from letter r) the words’ prior communication to the Ministry of Education by regional, local or health authorities of critical situations and of particular risk referring to specific contexts territorial ‘, as already requested on the occasion of the Dpcm of October 18, 2020; evaluate the closures related to: gyms, swimming pools, sports centers, cinemas, theaters, also evaluating the epidemiological reference data; of the Government to update the activities that have been restricted and / or closed.

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