No lockdown and curfew, but minimization of opportunities to leave leaving the possibility of movement only for those who do not work remotely. In the new Dpcm, fired at night and today in the Gazzetta, the hardening of the nightlife promises to be total although the distinctions are not lacking in the majority and the relationship with the regional presidents seems complex to manage. Giuseppe Conte he moved cautiously. Yesterday he organized a long series of meetings that lasted until the night with the heads of delegation of the majority, but also – and this is the news – with the majority and leaders of opposition groups, while Minister Boccia met on several occasions with the Presidents of the Region.
Dpcm, 75% distance education for secondary schools. Parties are prohibited
Dpcm, wall of the Regions about school, bars, restaurants, food, refreshments. Five requests to the government
On the table that squeeze that the Prime Minister did not want to do, but that the growth of infections requires and that the Democratic Party has been asking for a long time together with the Minister of Health Speranza. What saved the last Dpcm – gyms and swimming pools, game rooms and casinos – closes and goes further with the mandatory closure of cinemas and theaters, the stoppage of parties, including weddings and communions, and school trips. . But the measure that gives the measure of the emergency is the closure of bars, restaurants, pastry shops and ice cream parlors at 6 in the afternoon, while the shopping centers will remain open on Sundays despite the requests of the governors. Drastic provisions, severely contested by the Regions, but defended with the sword by Minister Speranza even in the evening meeting with the heads of delegation. Speranza, with the force of the alarm given by the Technical Scientific Committee, has guarded Palazzo Chigi throughout the day. What happened on Friday night in Naples further pushed the Prime Minister to maintain the balance between the health and economic emergency. He promises the leaders of the group a decree to finance the affected sectors for the week that opens, but in the majority, not all share the grip of public companies.
The leader of Iv’s group in the Chamber María Elena Boschi puts it in black and white and also evokes the Month. The M5S opposes the cessation of movements between regions, which in the text becomes “a strong recommendation.” Spadafora clashes with Franceschini in the gyms, but the Democratic Party tightens the Hope line while Governor Bonaccini (Pd) attacks the closures at 18, due to the lack of support measures and sends a letter to the Prime Minister at night with all comments from the presidents of the region. Including the proposal of the Venetian Zaia to rub only the symptomatic and cohabitating. In M5S it is played like a throw-in at school. Minister Azzolina continues to accuse her colleague De Micheli of not organizing transport, but in the end she is forced to give in and the text enters that 75% of distance education for secondary schools, the result of a mediation between those who, like the governor of Toscana Giani does not want to go beyond 50% and Fedriga de Friuli who asks for 100%. But if school autonomy jumps with a dpcm and the principals rise up, Campania De Luca is on its own, which has already made it known that it intends to leave the restaurants and bars open until 11 at night while the school of Campania will remain remote, always, for all high school classes.
Average count, but it’s hard to find a solution that everyone agrees on. Above all, it will be difficult to standardize past and future regional ordinances. Conte tries to close the agreement in the evening with his majority, who ask not to repeat the dance after the last dpcm that was “skewered” the day after its promulgation. This time we try to get to November 24 without having to intervene again. “Squeeze now to be able to reopen around Christmas holidays,” is Conte’s reasoning. But the country’s climate is no longer that of March. Network of exploitation and criminal infiltration, the clashes in Naples are a sign that the prime minister does not intend to underestimate. And so the dpcm, scheduled for yesterday afternoon, is postponed until today to reach an agreement as broad as possible to avoid leaks from majority sectors and governors who have invoked drastic measures in recent days but were stopped yesterday. School and work, the prime minister’s two fixed points, are saved and everything else is, in fact, closed or greatly reduced. On the other hand, with the 19,000 infected yesterday, half a million infected with 151 deaths in 24 hours – it was not like that since May 21 – and 79 patients in intensive care where there are now 1,128 people.
Covid Italia, today’s newsletter, October 24: almost 20,000 cases (19,644) and 151 deaths. Intensive care: +79
Covid Italia, today’s newsletter, October 24, 2020. The new cases of coronavirus in Italy are close to 20 thousand (19,644), for a total since the beginning of the emergency that has exceeded 500 thousand infected (504,509). 151 deaths are registered (yesterday there were 91), bringing the total to 37,210.
Last update: 01:26