New Dpcm draft, bars and restaurants closed at 6:00 p.m. and holidays. Stop Gyms – Chronicle


Rome, October 24, 2020 – Stop the activity of gyms, pools and game rooms, close of bars and restaurants from 6pm on and on vacation, distance education 75% in high school. These are the main interventions to curb the increase in coronavirus infections (the latest bulletin marks 19,644 and 151 deaths), contained in the first draft of the new Dpcm, of which the first Giuseppe Conte discussed with the heads of the majority delegation. The new provision, which will contain measurements valid for one month, until November 24, must be signed by the Prime Minister tomorrow, as there are still some knots to be resolved regarding the points contained in the provision, including the change between regions and the closures of commercial activities and restaurants at 6pm. “It is strongly recommended to all natural persons not to travel, by public or private means of transport, to a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile, except for reasons of work, studies, health, situations of need or to carry out activities or use services that are not suspended and not available in this municipality, ”the text reads.

Between requests from the Regions In advance of the executive, in addition to the possibility of keeping restaurants open until 11 pm with table service and at 8 pm for bars without table service (and at 11 pm with table service), a commitment is requested regarding family doctors, to be already planned in the dpcm for the execution of rapid antigenic swabs. In addition, the request is for a specific commitment on the snack for activities that will be damaged by the new Dpcm, the possibility of equipping secondary schools 100% distance learning. The government is also asked to evaluate epidemiological data, to verify any reopening in regions with epidemiological situations that allow it. In the letter, sent by the president of the Bonaccini State-Regions conference, to Prime Minister Conte, he is finally asked to provide shopping centers are closed on weekends, with the exception of grocery stores and pharmacies.

Self-certification, the form to move during curfew

New Dpcm, the draft of October 24

(article continues below)

Bars, restaurants and pubs

“Starting as of October 26, 2020, the activities of catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are suspended on Sundays and holidays; the other days the aforementioned activities are allowed from 5 am to 6 pm; consumption is allowed at the table for a maximum of four people per table, unless they all live together; After 6 pm it is forbidden to consume food and beverages in public places and open to the public “, reads the draft.” The restaurant in hotels and other accommodation facilities, limited to its customers, remains allowed without a time limit. ; catering with home delivery is always allowed in accordance with hygiene and health regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with food to go until midnight, with prohibition of consumption in situ or in the vicinity; The activities referred to in the first period are allowed on condition that the Autonomous Regions and Provinces have previously verified the compatibility of carrying out the aforementioned activities with the progress of the epidemiological situation in their territories. “” It is allowed without limit of time – read again, hotel catering and other accommodation facilities limited to their clients. Continuous canteens and catering activities continue to be allowed on a contractual basis, guaranteeing interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter, within the limits and under the conditions referred to in the previous period ”.

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Gyms and swimming pools

“The activities of gyms, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers, spas, with the exception of the provision of services included in the essential levels of care, as well as cultural centers, social centers and recreational centers “, we continue reading in the draft that the government and local authorities discuss. It is allowed – specified – carry out sports activities or outdoor motor activity, even in conditioned areas and public parks, when they are accessible, provided that in any case the interpersonal safety distance of at least two meters for sports activities and at least one meter for any other activity is complied with, unless the presence is required of a companion for minors or people who are not completely self-sufficient “.

Contests suspended

“Public and private tender procedures are suspended, with the exception of cases in which the evaluation of candidates is carried out exclusively in a curricular and / or electronic way. From the suspension I am excluding those for health and civil protection personnel. In addition, “the procedures in progress and those for which there are specific organizational protocols validated by the Scientific Technical Committee”.

75% dad in high school

The institutes will adopt a father equal to 75% of the activities and therefore 25% in presence throughout the national territory, homologate the regional ordinances. “Understanding that the didactic and educational activity for the first cycle of education and for early childhood education services continues to develop in presence, second grade secondary education institutions adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching activities, increasing the use of integrated digital teaching, for a participation equal to 75 percent of the activities, further modulating the management of the teaching hours the entry and exit of the students, even through the possible use of afternoon shifts and provided that the entry does not occur in any case before 9.00 am ”, in fact, the text recites.

Cinemas, theaters and public events

“Shows open to the public are suspended in theaters, concert halls, cinemas and other spaces, even outdoors,” the draft reads. While “public events are only allowed statically, provided that, during them, the prescribed social distances and other containment measures are respected.” They are also conventions, congresses and other suspended events, with the exception of those carried out remotely “.

Stop weddings and ceremonies

No more banquets and receptions after weddings, communions and baptisms. “Parties indoors and outdoors are prohibited – says the document – including those resulting from civil and religious ceremonies,” the draft reads again.

Places of worship

“Access to places of worship it is carried out with organizational measures such as avoiding meetings of people, taking into account the size and characteristics of the places, and as to guarantee visitors the possibility of respecting the distance between them of at least one meter ”, again read in this first draft.


“The public opening service of museums and other institutes and cultural places is ensured on the condition that said institutes and places, taking into account the size and characteristics of the premises open to the public, as well as the flow of visitors (more or less 100,000 per year), guaranteeing limited use modalities or in any case how to avoid crowds of people and allow visitors to respect the distance between them of at least one meter ”.
