The government is approaching another shutdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Concerned about the steady and exponential increase in new infections, the Giallorossi are studying the additional restrictions that will be included in the next Dpcm and they have already begun the phase of confrontation with the local authorities. This is the final result after the meeting between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of the majority forces; Now we await the opinion of the Technical-Scientific Committee that has already been urgently called to express itself on the hypothesized standards. The Prime Minister’s press conference, originally scheduled for 8.30 pm this afternoon, could be postponed until tomorrow: the doubts that have arisen have prolonged the time. Specifically, dividing the executive and the governors is the possible prohibition of movement between the Regions, towards which the 5 Stars have expressed more than a few perplexities.
Based on what we learn from the circulated draft (click here to read it), which could still undergo substantial changes, for bars and restaurants The hard fist could come: from Monday, October 26, the activities of the restaurant services “Sundays and holidays are suspended“; the rest of the days the activities in question”are allowed from 5 am to 6 pm“Consumption at the table would be allowed for up to four people”,unless they all live togetherAfter 6 pm it is forbidden to consume food and beverages in public places open to the public. The restaurant is allowed without a time limit. Hotels and in other accommodation facilities “limited to your customers“Continuous canteen and catering activities on a contractual basis are still permitted.
No squeeze for beauticians and hairdressers that, barring surprises, will remain open. Most likely it will activate the stop for gyms, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers, spas – “with the exception of the provision of services included in the essential levels of assistance“- Cultural centers, social centers and recreational centers. Basic sports activity and physical activity in general carried out in public and private sports centers and clubs are allowed, respecting the rules of social distancing and without any meeting. Also closed for halls betting, bingo and casinos.highly recommended“Do not travel in public or private means of transport in a Common other than the residence, domicile or domicile “,Except for proven work or study needs, for health reasons, for situations of need or to carry out activities or use services that are not suspended and not available in that Municipality“.
Shopping centers closed on weekends?
We are moving towards suspending shows open to the public in theaters, concert halls, cinemas and other spaces, even outdoors; confirmed the cessation of activities that take place in dance halls and discos and similar venues, outdoors or indoors. The prohibition of parties indoors and outdoors “including those resulting from civil and religious ceremonies“As for private houses, it is.”highly recommended“do not receive people other than cohabiting, “except for proven work needs or situations of need and urgency“; in this case it is mandatory to maintain one meter of interpersonal distance and the recommendation to wear a mask is in force.
Festivals, fairs and other similar events are prohibited. Da does not exclude the closing of shopping centers on weekends. Also closed i parks themed and fun. Children and adolescents are allowed access to places for recreational, recreational and educational activities, including non-formal, indoor or outdoor activities “with the help of the operators to entrust them in custody and with the obligation to adopt specific security protocols elaborated in accordance with the guidelines of the Department of Family Policies“.
Distance learning 75%
Schools remain open: Minister Lucía Azzolina’s line continues to prevail over all requests for distance education. It is reiterated that the didactic and educational activity for the first cycle of education and for educational services for children continues to be developed in presence. Instead, the news could reach the schools higher: “prior communication to the Ministry of Education by the regional, local or health authorities of critical situations and of particular risk referring to specific territorial contexts“Second grade high schools may adopt”flexible shapes“in the organization of teaching activities by increasing the use of teaching digital integrated, “for a stake equal to 75% of the assets“; it will also be possible to proceed with an additional modulation of the students’ entry and exit times”,also through the possible use of afternoon shifts and providing that the entry is not made before 9 in the morning in any case“.
Squares and closed streets
In the draft of the Dpcm arises the possibility of having the closure to the public after 9 pm “without prejudice to the possibility of access and exit to legitimate businesses and private homes“, streets or squares of urban centers where meeting situations can occur. Procedures suspended insolvency public and private, “Except for the cases in which the evaluation of the candidates is carried out exclusively in a curricular and / or electronic form“Not only health and civil protection personnel are excluded from the stop, but also ongoing procedures.”for which there are specific organizational protocols validated by the Technical-Scientific Committee“.
Public administrations must have a differentiation of staff entry time “without prejudice to health and social health personnel, as well as those who carry out activities related to the emergency or essential public services“The recommendation is also directed at private employers. Events and competitions sports of all kinds and disciplines, carried out anywhere, both public and private; sporting events and competitions, competitive athlete training sessions, in relation to sport individuals and teams recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee (Coni), the Italian Paralympic Committee (Cip) and the respective national sports federations “,or organized by international sports organizations within sports facilities used behind closed doors, or outdoors without the presence of the public, in compliance with the protocols issued by the respective national sports federations“.