the government rate one new grip for non-essential activities. There is much talk about it at this time, with the main newspapers that have tried to make a list of those activities that could to close – or adapt to new restrictions – due to the resurgence of infections.
Italy is progressively returning to Phase One, to that of a generalized confinement with which they are imposed restrictions on non-essential activities and with important limitations also to travel.
In this sense, say limitations – e probable closures – for non-essential activities we talk about it in view of the new DPCM that the Government could approve as of tomorrow, Sunday, October 25. A measure that could also limit movements in the territory, both regional and interregional.
We reiterate that at the moment it is only about indiscretions, with the Government that is discussing it at this time in light of the indications of the experts on the need to foresee “restrictions for travel and non-essential activities“To relieve pressure on the health system.
But what could be the restrictions for non-essential activities? Let’s be clear.
New squeeze for essential activities: who risks closing
The index National Rt is officially at 1.5. A situation thatISS (Higher Institute of Health) describe how “in general and very serious in the national territory with the risk of important critical problems in the short term in many Italian regions”.
Therefore, the experts asked the Government to forecast new restrictions for movement in the territory, and at the same time impose it stop for non-essential activities.
Once again under the magnifying glass of the experts gyms and pools. They want these activities closed, but the government is unlikely to make such an unpopular decision. Also because, the appeal that Giuseppe Conte made at last week’s press conference seems to have paid off: the controls in the territory, in fact, they did not detect critical problems in gyms and swimming pools, which – as Minister Spadafora underlined – “they have made many sacrifices to comply with the protocol”.
In this regard, these days have been adopted stricter guidelines for this type of business; stricter rules but that will allow gyms and pools to stay open.
Who really are the risks? game rooms and bingo, so the stop could come with the new DPCM.
Possible time constraints for non-essential activities: who is taking the risk
Except in rare cases, therefore, no non-essential activity risks closure.
Barber Shop me beauty centers they will remain open, at least for the moment, and as anticipated not even for gyms and swimming pools there should be a forced closure.
However, it is very likely that the next decree will impose new time restrictions. For example, the opening hours may change again to Pub me restaurants: there are multiple entries, for example about a curfew even at 6 pm, a hypothesis that, however, since Palazzo Chigi categorically denies.
However, there may be an early closure of a few hours; some speak of 8pm, but more likely 22:00 to 23:00 – compared to the midnight curfew imposed by the previous decree.
There is also talk of closure of shopping centers; too many meetings over the weekend, possible closing of all stores, but only those Saturday and the Sunday – except those of a food type. However, there should be no limitations for city shops, even on weekends.