Not numbers, but politics: the decision of a possible new blockade would start alone and only from the Palazzo Chigi. Not enough today the appeal of licensed scientistsAnd it won’t even be enough if the numbers drop dramatically. We are going towards a new Dpcm, has already returned self certification, But blocking is not the next step. He says so Franco Locatelli, president of the Higher Council of Health and member of the Cts in an interview with ‘Everyday event’: “In these hours we are reflecting with Minister Roberto Speranza, ISS President Silvio Brusaferro and Spallanzani Scientific Director Giuseppe Ippolito to identify parameters aimed at establishing thresholds: we are talking about combinations of numbers between infected and tampons, therapy occupations intensive and ordinary hospitalizations, deaths. The idea is to define a mechanism that triggers levels of restriction up to the worst hypothesis of the national lockdown, which we will do everything possible to avoid.
Locatelli: “It takes two weeks”
You need to find out if the current restrictions have gone into effect with the last Dpcm, it will have effects: “It takes at least a couple of weeks to have an effect on the epidemic curve” of the last two dpcm, Locatelli emphasizes. “Other measures? – He adds – The numbers will tell. Closing at 9:00 p.m. would penalize activities such as restaurants that are already in serious crisis. The important thing is to avoid gatherings. ‘Curfew’ evokes sad scenarios of limitation of the freedom by force, I prefer to talk about restrictions on the possibility of movement. But what is really needed is a generational pact: to lose their lives due to Covid are to a greater extent older than sixty years, especially if they have concomitant diseases such as diabetes and lung problems or cardiac. Young people must protect them with their behavior, take it as a way of giving something back to the elderly: by the luck of living in a time without war conflicts, with advanced health and solidarity systems … ”.
“The confinement would have unacceptable consequences”
A national blockadeLocatelli continues, ” it would have unacceptable social and economic consequences. And the school must be protected at all costs: in the worst case scenario it will be the last to be sacrificed. “On the appeal launched by a hundred scientists who asked Quirinale and the government to make drastic decisions immediately, the president of the Higher Health Council emphasizes that “they are authorized personalities and their opinion must be taken into account. But elections depend on politics And those who represent it in government roles, I think, have not given a bad test of themselves so far. ”
Conte looks at the issues of the latest bulletin and not only notes the 19,000 infections, but also that there are more people in intensive care today compared to the day of the confinementthe limit to close everything would be set at 2300, half of the places currently available). The real concern concerns hospitals, as in many cities beds are starting to run out, and the perplexity is that beyond the aforementioned threshold systems run the risk of collapsing. Because the number of people admitted to intensive care is the real wake-up call. But it must be emphasized that officially there is no single “parameter” that activates the lock. The choice must be political. Politics and just politics.
To lockdown ” I am against as a citizen because it would be suicide for our economy – says virologist Giorgio Palù – as a scientist because it would penalize the education of young people, who are our future, and as a doctor because it would mean that the sick, who suffer from other pathologies, especially tumors, would not have access to treatment. All this in the face of a disease, Covid-19, which, in short, has a low lethality. I mean, it’s not that deadly. We have to end this hysteria. ”
The government is against the closure
“The government was able to ensure strong support for citizens, workers and companies in the most difficult moment of the pandemic and this commitment was later seen in the strong rebound in economic activity that we had in the third quarter. Now there is a new stage of difficulty, I do not think that radical elections like those of the emergency shutdown generalized that we saw in the first phase “says the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, guest on Zapping on Rai Radio1. “But surely,” he added, “there are categories and sectors that are more affected than others and that deserve all the support, even financial, from the government. That will not be lacking.”
Also the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Paola De Micheli (Pd), is on the same wavelength: “We are not going to do any total confinement but we are waiting for much more severe measures, because the number of infections is quite worrying. But they will not be measures comparable to those of this spring, there is a discussion in course in the government. I do not like the derby of these hours between economy and health, there is no such derby. We take care of people, who need to work, send their children to school and also protect their own. Health: we are trying to find the balance between all these rights. Surely those who do not need to go out for basic needs, it is better to stay at home “, added the minister.
The eight regions at risk of blockade
“Craft KO with a new lock”
Also due to Covid, crafts are increasingly in trouble. In the first 6 months of this year, the companies in the sector decreased by 4,446 units; reducing the total number in Italy to 1,291,156. “It is written by the CGIA, according to which a new emergency shutdown it would be the knockout blow for craftsmanship. “Both in the I (-10,902) and in the II quarter of 2020 (+6,456) – continues – sales1 were among the worst in the last 10 years, confirming that crafts, like all local businesses, were not capable of withstand the impact of the pandemic. And if a new total closure of the country is proclaimed, it is most likely that we will see the final KO blow.
“A new emergency shutdown generalized would give the coup de grace to a sector that for 11 years has been constantly decreasing in number – says the coordinator of the study office Paolo Zabeo -. In fact, since 2009, 185 thousand artisan companies have closed the door forever. This has started the desertification of historic centers and peripheries, contributing to worsen the urban aspect of our cities which, also for this reason, have become less habitable, less safe and more degraded. Let me be clear: there are no miracle solutions, even if an imminent public intervention is necessary at least to calm the cost of rents, reduce taxes, especially local ones, and facilitate access to credit. Despite the loans disbursed with the liquidity decree, there are still many artisan businesses that are not listened to by the banks, with the danger that many of them end up in the network set up by usurers ”.
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