Stop for visits to hospitals, 50% distance education in three upper classes, open shopping centers: here are all the new measures of the Region


Live on Facebook, the president of the Region Eugenio Giani announced the content of a new anti-Covid ordinance signed in the afternoon, which will take effect from tomorrow, Sunday, October 25. The provision contains some organizational measures for health, fighting with the growth of infection, including stop visiting patients in hospitals throughout Tuscany, with rare exceptions. Only “for people of special weakness and fragility can a visit for a few minutes and with a brief contact be allowed,” Giani announced, who then illustrated the other restriction in force as of tomorrow: stop for a month in competitions and matches. (training allowed) in contact, individual and team sports. The third point contained in the ordinance refers to the relationship with the municipalities: the Region will provide support to mayors who take measures to prevent mobility for preventive purposes of part or all of their municipal territory. The action of the Region and the Municipalities will be aimed at opposing any form of meeting.
Regarding the school, the governor announced that on Monday he will meet with representatives of the regional office of the school, municipalities and provinces, to implement, in the middle of next week. distance education, for at least 50% of the children, in second, third and fourth grade classes. Therefore, there will be no changes in instruction for elementary, middle and high school students.
On the health front, Giani announced the establishment of an “operations center” in each ASL to coordinate the Covid emergency and quickly decide on the activation of new beds (87 Covid patients are currently hospitalized in intensive care in Tuscany, out of 550 usable workstations). Giani recalled the increase in the contagion curve: 1526, those of the last 24 hours, which place Tuscany “in a medium situation among the Italian Regions”, and announced the Extraordinary recruitment of personnel to deal with the monitoring of positives.. In recent days, even in Prato, the hygiene offices that handle epidemiological investigations, to reconstruct the contacts of the positives and manage the administrative iter of notification of quarantines and fiduciary isolations have gone crazy. For this reason, the Region intends to recruit, as President Giani said, “also among the students of the last 2 years of Medicine and Nursing.”
“We have arranged the purchase of 50,000 rapid tests per week for schools and healthcare professionals that must be preserved in every way, “said the governor at the time. Coordination centers in each ASL will also be tasked with directing Covid patients who need a suitable structure for isolation to health hotels (1500 such places will be available in Tuscany). “The ordinance will say very precisely that the performance of ordinary health activities must proceed without limitation – said Giani – we must not allow ourselves to have to concentrate everything on Covid and do the other pathologies that must remain second-order cured”.
Finally no closure on weekends for shopping centers; The measure, proposed in recent days by Giani himself, will not be included in the ordinance. “We will meet with trade associations on Tuesday to define how to reach the quota of presences in shopping centers – said Giani -. We could think of one person for each family unit, as other measures, but we want to agree on the most appropriate decisions ”.
