New DPCM: “do not travel except for studies and work”, all measures. DROUGHT



We publish the draft of the DPCM that will be released in the next few hours. Planned measures ranging from the trip to school starting tomorrow. “As of October 26, 2020, the activities of catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are suspended on Sundays and holidays; the other days the aforementioned activities are allowed from 5 to 18 hours ; Consumption at the table is allowed for a maximum of four people per table, unless they all live together; after 6 in the afternoon, the consumption of food and beverages in public places and open to the public is prohibited ”, says the document .

“It is still allowed without a time limit – he continues – catering in hotels and other accommodation facilities limited to their clients; Catering with home delivery is always allowed in compliance with hygiene and health regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with takeout food until midnight, with prohibition of consumption on site or in the immediate vicinity. The activities referred to in the first period are permitted provided that the Autonomous Regions and Provinces have previously verified the compatibility of the performance of the aforementioned activities with the evolution of the epidemiological situation in their territories and that they identify the applicable and adequate protocols or guidelines. to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion in the reference sector or in similar sectors ”.

“Continuous canteens and catering activities continue to be contractually permitted, guaranteeing interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter, within the limits and under the conditions referred to in the previous period,” the provision continues.

The provision also suspends “the activities of gyms, swimming pools, swimming pools, wellness centers, spas, except for the provision of services included in the essential levels of assistance, as well as cultural centers, social and recreational centers; Notwithstanding the suspension of swimming pool and gym activities, basic sports and physical activity in general carried out in public and private sports centers and clubs are allowed in compliance with the rules of social distancing and without any encounter, in compliance with the guidelines issued by the Sports Office, after consulting the Italian Federation of Sports Medicine (Fmsi), without prejudice to the new operational guidelines issued by the Autonomous Regions and Provinces, in accordance with art. 1, paragraph 14, of decree-law n. 33 of 2020 “.

“It is allowed”, it is specified, “to carry out outdoor sports or physical activities, also in conditioned areas and public parks, where they are accessible, provided that in any case the interpersonal safety distance of at least two meters is respected for the practice of sports and at least one meter for any other activity unless the presence of a companion is required for minors or people who are not completely self-sufficient “.

“The streets or squares of urban centers, where meeting situations can be created, may be closed to the public after 9:00 p.m., without prejudice to the possibility of access, and drainage, to legitimately open commercial establishments and private homes”, we return to read.

In addition, in the draft “it is strongly recommended that all natural persons do not travel by public or private means of transport to a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile, except for proven work or study needs, for health reasons, for situations of need or to carry out activities or use services that are not suspended and not available in this municipality ”.

As for private homes, it is strongly recommended not to receive people other than people who live together, except for proven work needs or situations of need and urgency ”. Then it is affirmed that “the activities that take place in lounges and discos and similar venues, outdoors or indoors, are suspended. Indoor and outdoor parties are prohibited, including those resulting from civil and religious ceremonies. “

“The public administrations foresee a differentiation of the entry times of the personnel, without prejudice to the health and social-health personnel, as well as those engaged in activities related to the emergency or essential public services. The private employers also recommend the differentiation of the hours of entry of the personnel ”, establishes the text.

“Access to places of worship is carried out with organizational measures that avoid meetings of people, taking into account the size and characteristics of the places, and that guarantee visitors the possibility of respecting the distance between them of at least one meter ”, Yes. still reads.

“The public opening service of museums and other institutes and cultural places is ensured on the condition that said institutes and places, taking into account the size and characteristics of the premises open to the public, as well as the flow of visitors (more or less 100 thousand a year), guaranteeing limited use modalities or in any case how to avoid crowds of people and allow visitors to respect the distance between them of at least one meter. The service is organized taking into account the protocols or guidelines adopted by the Regions or by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces ”, the provision continues.

75% DAD in high school. The institutes will adopt a father equal to 75% of the activities and therefore 25% in presence throughout the national territory, homologate the regional ordinances. The didactic and educational activity remains present during the first cycle of education, infant, primary and secondary.

Suspension of public and private tenders. The suspension does not include those of health and civil protection personnel. In addition, “the procedures in progress.”

Draft DPCM: we stopped to contests, but the extraordinary of teachers continues. DOWNLOAD DRAFT

DPCM draft, superior: 25% in person and 75% remotely. Lessons in the afternoon. DOWNLOAD DRAFT

