Ivan Romano via Getty Images
We received this letter from the reader Federico Mangione, addressed to the Governor of Campania
Dear President De Luca,
I’m Federico, I’m 27 years old and I’m part of that break that doesn’t count. I do not realize why I am young, because (but I still touch iron) I am in good health, because I graduated and therefore I am no longer a student, but I am not a worker either. I count even less for one reason: always, in any case, for eight months, I have followed all the rules to avoid contagion. I graduated remotely in March and I didn’t organize clandestine graduation parties, I spent Easter with my mom and dad even though I live in a building with my whole family and we could very well organize a lunch without anyone seeing us. I have always used the mask, even outdoors, since September, even if it was not mandatory yet. I haven’t gone out with my friends in eight months, I went a couple of times to dinner with my girlfriend, but always during the week to avoid crowds, never later than 8:30 p.m. and always asking for the most isolated tables in the room. That’s why I don’t count for anything.
Like you said, health matters, great, the industrial and food supply chain counts, construction counts. The rest doesn’t matter, right? It doesn’t matter that, in addition to a generation of people killed by the virus, there are all the others who are killing this crazy crisis. Never mind that young people, who in Italy see an already terrifying and depressing unemployment rate, will be faced with fewer opportunities than the post-closing opportunities in March / April. Let’s face it, what can we tell for companies that could perhaps afford to hire someone and that now, if you tell them correctly, have managed not to fail? And what can we count for those activities that are still struggling not to close and in which we could find jobs to fix a little, perhaps while we were doing unpaid internships, postgraduate internships or similar things, in cities not ours in which, at less (and as sacrosanct), should we contribute to supporting ourselves with the sacrifices of our parents?
Health comes before the rest, but the rest compared to what? The rest compared to the presidential elections in September, which allowed thousands and thousands of people to go abroad for the summer holidays and which brought so many to Campania from everywhere for the same reason? Well maybe the forty days of sacrifice (not even if we were Jesus in the desert) could make us do it then, like the government, maybe closing Italy in and out. Perhaps in the “rest” there were also all those who said that they were preparing for a second wave in autumn, worse than the first … but what is prevention against re-election? The rest, in fact.
Now it says “Let’s close thirty or forty days to extinguish the outbreaks”, except that in addition to the outbreaks, extinguish activities, extinguish dreams, extinguish hopes, extinguish flames that just began to resurface after the avalanche of this pandemic, extinguish lives. What are the data on the psychological health of people? What are the data on suicides, and also on murders, during and after the confinement?
So how does it work? The goal is to save lives, but only from covid? I am not going to ask the question of “does he feel comfortable in the chair to take his allowance as President of the Region”, because it is a sterile issue and it is certainly not his salary that could revive the fortune of millions of people, this is obvious . But bear in mind, President, that he founded his re-election with the same weapons as that northern politician who mocks so much: the insinuation and the ignorance of the people.
At the end of the day, I do not blame everything, first of all I take it out on all the people who only claim rights, but have no idea what a responsibility is, who live the paradox of having a brain so small that they can function even breathing out of a plastic bag, not to mention the masks, but in reality that brain wouldn’t even feed him from an oxygen tank. But these people matter more than I have always respected the rules, because it is for them that now we want to close everything. Maybe it would have been helpful to do some actual street and activity checks, just to name one. But it is certainly not me who has to find the solutions, also because I don’t count. She must find the solutions. If another closure is your solution, then you were wrong, I tell you with my heart.
To be honest