They claimed they washed the car without paying. They had already done it the day before, then on Friday, October 23, around 1:30 p.m. they returned to the place, at the ‘I Pharaohs’ car wash. But the team leader of that small group of young foreign workers refused. From there she took thefierce aggression, with mallets and cat blows. The two authors, young Roma brothers from Termoli, were arrested for attempted murder.
Egyptian beaten with a club, the two perpetrators of the attack arrested
The 34-year-old Egyptian victim of his fury suffered a skull fracture and is now in bed from the Neuromed hospital in Pozzilli. The prognosis is still reserved, because the wounds could still have a negative evolution.
The detailed reconstruction was provided this morning, October 24 at a press conference by the executive of the police station in via Cina, Dr. Maria Concetta Piccitto.

“Around 2 o’clock in the afternoon yesterday – said the manager – a patrol that was in Via Córcega was alerted by a passerby who reported a man lying on the ground. The officers immediately intervened and saw this man with a vest over his skull for protection, on his back. in a pool of blood. Immediately reinforcements arrived and found the two perpetrators of the attack still in place and with weapons in hand, “said Dr. Piccitto, who on the occasion was accompanied by Daniela Di Fonzo, manager of the San Severo North Apulia Crime Prevention Department.
“For a few weeks – said the director of the Apulia department – we have been present in the Molise area in support of the local police forces. In this case I would like to point out the importance of Report of a passerby who saw the wounded man.”.
“We quickly began investigations to reconstruct the story,” Piccitto continued. Two young brothers aged 28 and 21 had gone to the car wash the day before to get it washed and they had not paid. The next day they returned with another car, in this case a Mercedes C-Class and demanded to wash without paying.
But the 34-year-old Egyptian national refused, saying he would do so only after paying the agreed fee. In response, he was attacked and the dynamics are irrefutable – continued the technician Piccitto -, as it was filmed by cameras as you can see in these pictures. At first they held him by the arm and beat him, then the two went to look for tools inside the hood of the car. Is a Jack and a cane and with these the worker was repeatedly beaten and beaten even when on the ground. The 34-year-old tried to close the entrance to the business but was even chased by the two who tried to run him over by pushing him with the car against the wall.

The head of the Termoleses police station denied that it was an instinctive reaction. “Was continuous, intimidating and harassing action to give an impression of a system that cannot be touched or contradicted. The idea that they wanted to instill in this type of action, which by the way is not the first of its kind, and that these subjects want to give an image of strength that cannot be resisted. Activities of this type should be stopped immediately, otherwise they may be the prelude to other much more serious situations”.
Dr. Piccitto also reported that the young Egyptian was transferred to the hospital and after a series of investigations also of an instrumental nature it was decided to transfer him to the Neuromed in Pozzilli where he is currently. “One was created inside the 34-year-old man’s skull bubble and the forecast is still reserved, it could dissolve in the next few days. We are in constant contact with the health center and if the situation changes we will be informed immediately because health professionals have not yet expressed themselves as this bubble can degenerate seriously”.

The head of the police station provided more details about the attack. “The blows were inflicted on the base of the skull and other parts of the body. too another company employee was affected but slightly”.
The police then proceeded to arrest the two Thermolese accused of attempted murder. The judge ordered house arrest “due to the particular period linked to the Covid emergency and the overcrowding in the Larino prison, but the fragrance of the crime and the responsibilities of the two brothers are not questioned ”. In addition, both have specific precedents for assault and property crimes.
“At first they tried to deny and even resist, then they realized it would be worse.” In addition, the head of the police station referred to a previous episode of the same type. “It had already happened in a bar that these people walked in and pretended not to pay. This is indicative of a certain type of image that these people would like to give of themselves. It is about boss attitudes”.