This is the content of the draft of the DPCM that in the next few hours, perhaps tomorrow, can be issued by the Government. In the draft we read that the competitions are suspended with some exceptions.
As for competitions, there would be a stop. If the content of the text is confirmed, the competition for the extraordinary chair that began in recent days will continue its process.
In fact, the preliminary draft provides for the suspension of public and private tender procedures, with the exception of cases in which the evaluation of candidates is carried out exclusively in a curricular and / or telematic way, as well as with the exclusion of personnel competitions. health and civil protection personnel.
On the other hand, the ongoing procedures and those for which there are specific organizational protocols validated by the Scientific Technical Committee.
The extraordinary contest would be within the last exception, being already in progress and having a validation of the CTS protocol.
The new anti-Covid measures will take effect from October 25, or tomorrow. This is the provision of the draft #Dpcm that the government is about to launch. The text, on the other hand, does not identify the time frame for which the measurements will be valid.
We remind users that this is a draft and is therefore subject to change. The final text will be published in the next few hours.