Florence, October 24, 2020 – “Today we found 1526 new cases of positivity when coronavirus“The president of Tuscany said so, Eugenio Giani, during a live Facebook, announcing a new ordinance that establishes a power plant of follow-up of potential Covid patients in each of the three Asl of Tuscany, rapid tests and no patient visits in the hospital.
Let’s see the new measures in detail:
Stop visiting the hospital
Stop visiting relatives or people close to those hospitalized in Tuscan hospitals. “Hospitals must be preserved”, so “only for people of special weakness and fragility can visit for a few minutes and with a brief contact,” announced Eugenio Giani, president of the Tuscany Region, illustrating the content of the new regional ordinance on the Covid emergency during a live Facebook. “We cannot risk the virus being transmitted in hospitals,” he added.
School, distance education in high school
“Regarding the school we intend to set a limit that should not be less than 50% to favor the ddistance learning for those attending first, second, third and fourth grade classes. This will not affect the youngest, that is, those who attend middle and elementary school, and it will not affect fifth year high school students because the maturity test is ahead. For the others, until Christmas, I think they can experience physical presence in the classroom and distance in a mixed way. Next Monday we will have a meeting with the director of the regional school and his staff of collaborators to agree on how to get to this modality in an orderly and disciplined way ”.
Stop for a month in contact sports in amateur tournaments.
“For a month we stopped the business competitive team and individual activities that are circumscribable to contact sports»In the amateur field. “Starting tomorrow, activities at the regional level will be interrupted, not the trainings that can be done during the week, but federal tournaments“He specified.” The federations that I have consulted, “explained Giani- me, had already said that there was already a lot of concern on the part of the professionals, on the part of the athletes, of the parents who brought the children.”
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