De Luca’s order within 48 hours


Vincenzo De Luca will formally send a request to the government to organize a shutdown in the Campania region. The intention of the President of the Region is to sign a new ordinance within the next 48 hours that will include very tough measures and restrictions.

Campania Ordinance in 48 Hours: What You Need to Know About De Luca’s Upcoming Closure

With 2,280 cases in a day out of 15,800 tampons and 14.5 percent infections compared to 12.8 compared to two days ago, “we no longer have time to lose,” says De Luca, who makes it clear how even the curfew from 11 pm to 5 pm and the stop to mobility between the provinces of Campania is not enough. “Today we have to make the last attempt to stop the spread of the infection. So we have to shut everything down for a month, 40 days.” As is known, the ordinance will be signed by the Governor of Campania between tomorrow and Sunday. Meanwhile yesterday the protest against the curfew and the possible closure broke out with scenes of urban warfare but without injuries.

Currently in Campania:

  • the curfew is in effect from 11 pm to 5 am;
  • schools are closed;
  • It is forbidden to travel between one province and another

But the governor can also do more in relation, however, only with some situations. For example, with regard to gatherings, the Dpcm October 18 explicitly allows it, which establishes: “The Regions and Autonomous Provinces, in relation to the progress of the epidemiological situation in their territories, may establish, in agreement with the Minister of Health , a maximum number of different spectators in consideration of the size and characteristics of the places and facilities; in reference to the maximum number of spectators for non-outdoor sporting events and competitions, in any case without prejudice to the ordinances already adopted by the Regions and by the autonomous provinces, provided that it is within the limits of 15% of capacity ” .

Or, as regards restoration activities, again in the Dpcm it is said that “they are kept allowed on condition that the Autonomous Regions and Provinces have previously verified the compatibility of the development of the aforementioned activities with the evolution of the epidemiological situation in their territories and that identify the appropriate applicable protocols or guidelines to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion in the reference sector or in similar sectors; these protocols or guidelines are adopted by the Regions or by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces in compliance with the principles contained in the protocols or in the national guidelines “.

The eight regions at risk of blockade

Campania closure: De Luca’s order within 48 hours

For the rest, De Luca must coordinate with the presidency of the Council of Ministers and with the Ministry of Health. You will have to receive an endorsement in each measure, as happened to Attilio Fontana with the double ordinance on Lombardy endorsed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza.

In the region that first closed schools, the prohibition to move from the province of residence has already been in effect for 24 hours, and from 11 p.m. last night the night curfew, which from now on will not allow circulation until 5 in the morning. in the morning except for proven work needs or situations of need or urgency or health reasons. All commercial, social and recreational activities closed. And even more drastic rules are in the works. “It is necessary to close everything, except the categories that produce and move essential goods (industry, agriculture, construction, agri-food, transport). It is essential to block mobility between regions and between municipalities, ”said De Luca. Which, however, is currently only found in this battle.

Yesterday, the mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, launched an appeal to Conte: “To assume the coordination of a situation that is now under the gaze of all, in Campania is out of control. A closure would come due to the confession of the total insufficiency of the actions put in place. field from March to today to strengthen health. ”Other criticisms came from all representatives of merchants, grocers and restaurants. They also expect money to cover the losses that could be enormous. This was also asked by De Luca to the government Not bad for someone who wanted to do everything himself.

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