new Dpcm, curfew at 6 pm throughout Italy – Libero Quotidiano


Alessandro Gonzato

The percentage of positive swabs in Covid increased by 1.1%: on Thursday it was 9.44, yesterday 10.5. There are 19,143 new cases compared to 182,032 swabs, never that many tested in a single day since the start of the pandemic. The death toll, 91, fell from 136 in the previous 24 hours. There are 1,049 intensive care patients (+57) and 855 hospitalized patients with symptoms. The infection is growing the most in Lombardy (+4,916), Campania (+2,280) and Piedmont (2,032). 2,352 the healed. The Italians positive for the virus are 186,002, 0.31%. Conte, yesterday, again ruled out the hypothesis of another “generalized blockade.” “It must be avoided,” he reiterated, “and that is why we remain alert and ready to intervene when necessary. Strengthened by the experience of last spring, we must contain the contagion, seeking to avoid the stoppage of productive and labor activities, the closure of public offices and schools ”.

Today the war is lost.  Felt, pride and cannonball: the cogl *** that should apologize to Bertolaso ​​and Fontana

Other Dpcm – The government is ready for a new “dpcm”: according to the Palazzo Chigi leaks, there could be an additional squeeze for bars and restaurants, the closing of gyms and swimming pools, and on weekends of shopping centers. The softer line partially protects stores and establishes a curfew at 10 pm or 11 pm The most drastic intervention, currently considered unlikely, would allow people to leave the house only to work and study. Except that the Governor of Campania De Luca has called for a closure throughout the country: “We are one step away from tragedy. We do what we did in March, we close 30-40 days. Current data makes any kind of partial measure ineffective. It is necessary to close everything, except the categories that produce and move essential goods. Campania will move in this direction very soon. ‘ Campania is burdened by the inadequacy of the hospital structures: there are 110 places in intensive care (officially declared 227) and 98 are already occupied. The places in the hospital are sold out: 1,090 patients of 1,114 available beds. For his colleague from Emilia Romagna Bonaccini “the country would not support a new blockade.” In Veneto, Zaia doesn’t even want to hear about it. The pro tempore governor of Calabria, Spirlì, spoke of “exasperated alarmism” and described the closure as an “excessive measure”. In Calabria (after Lombardy, Lazio, Campania, to which Piedmont and Sardinia will join from Monday) the curfew will start from midnight to 5 am, the Region has banned visits to the RSAs and has suspended the face-to-face classes in secondary schools. As in Puglia, where from Monday the offer will affect students of the last 3 years.

Urgent appeals – From north to south, irregular, the mayors have prohibited parking in areas considered aggregation points: from Turin to Palermo, from Verona to Foggia. Meanwhile, 100 scientists and university professors have launched an appeal to the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister asking them to “take strict and drastic measures in the next 2 or 3 days.” Even part of the majority pressure Conte to significantly increase the restrictions, and that is the position of Health Minister Speranza. The Interior Minister, Lamorgese, for his part, has ensured rigorous controls to prevent total closure, which “would be a very hard blow to the economy and social stability of the country.”
