Curfew, restaurants, hair salons and gyms. The government is ready to close


The contagion curve continues to rise, and therefore the government wants to run for cover (in its own way). The first Minister Giuseppe Conte He would have liked to wait until next week – to assess the effects of the recently introduced regulations – before taking further action, but the figures that came in in the last few hours have increased the pressure from those who already lobbied for the heavy blow last Sunday. Therefore, it should not be excluded that another Dpcm It can even be delivered tomorrow, Sunday, October 25, just 7 days after the one that is still in force. However, the executive is interested in clarifying that the confinement is not yet part of the range of hypotheses to face the second wave of the coronavirus, while the shadow of a curfew He returns strengthened to the fright. Several local governors have already undertaken this measure, which could be extended to the entire national territory as of Monday.

The Prime Minister now seems convinced of the need to speed up: the new decree will protect work, school and productive activities; On the other hand, all those activities considered “non-essential” could be stopped and other activities planned. limitations both in means of transport and in ceremonies. The series of actions that the Giallorossi would like to implement go in this direction. Until now, Conte had aligned himself with the cautious wing of the government, that is, the one that would not want to toughen the rules too much so as not to damage the economy more. However, as the days passed, thanks to the various requests of Ministers Franceschini and Speranza, the idea of toughen the rules. Also because the weekly report from the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health has sounded the alarm: currently the contagion index Rt, which is calculated on symptomatic cases, is equal to 1.50 and is defined ”.very serious“from the scientific community.

The measurements of the new Dpcm

As reported by the Corriere della SeraToday, the prime minister was able to bring together the heads of delegation from the majority parties to share the new restrictions. All this after having confronted us again with the Regions. But what could be the next news? A major trigger tensions It is certainly the way of the curfew: on the one hand, scientists argue that it is necessary to intervene with a stop of activities and traffic at 9:00 p.m. (or even at 8:00 p.m.); On the other hand, some ministers call for safeguarding the restaurant business and believe too much drastic the idea of ​​shutting down Italians at home at night. The possibility of postponing the curfew until 10:00 pm or 11:00 pm will also be discussed.

On the weekend the lockout is almost certain malls to avoid a large movement of people inside. Retail stores are expected to remain open, but we may move toward staggering hours to facilitate public transportation. In the viewfinder as well as the bars and restaurants, whose closing could be anticipated at 6 pm On the travel front, a limit could be reached that would involve those Regions that have a very high Rt index. It will be possible to continue jogging and physical activity, but the government seems willing to close gyms, swimming pools and sports clubs. Non-professional leagues can be stopped. Personal service stores, such as beauty centers and Barber Shop, must remain open, anticipating immediate closure to the detriment of those that do not comply with anti-Covid protocols.
