Sick Covid, out of the beds. The CEO of the vast area 5: “Dramatic situation”


ASCOLI – The situation in Piceno is increasingly critical due to the spread of pandemic. Last night another victim was registered in the San Benedetto emergency room (Tonino Allevi, 81, originally from Appignano) while on the health front it is now a race against time to meet the demand for beds for patients. who suffer from COVID-19. Once the ten beds of the structure over the Mazzoni Transfusion Center, activated just a few days ago, the management of Vast Area 5 is now looking for other beds to meet the increase in demand.

Thus, it was decided to increase to twenty the number of beds destined for the ordinary hospitalization of Covid patients, which will always be obtained in the same structure where the ten beds already open are located. However, the increase in the ordinary hospitalization capacity of Covid patients will not be able to occur before November 1, when more personnel will be hired to be included in the staff of Vast Area 5. In practice, throughout the next East week, Mazzoni’s health staff will have to try to cushion the situation until criticism increases. It is not an easy task. In the same way, it was decided to create nine ordinary hospital beds for Covid patients at the Madonna del Soccorso hospital in San Benedetto.

“The situation is dramatic and the infections do not go down – Cesare Milani, general director of the vast Area 5 opens his arms – If this trend continues, we will be forced to suspend scheduled visits and it would be a problem for the sick. Unfortunately, however, the hospital begins to saturate and there are no more beds. And the personnel also begins to shorten. Yesterday a nurse from the San Benedetto emergency room tested positive. Meanwhile, to meet the extraordinary and urgent needs derived from the spread of Covid-19 and guarantee the maintenance of essential levels of care, the general direction of the vast Area 5 has decided to hire as a socio-health operator through the ranking of the approved public notice by Latini Daniela, Dell’Orefice Nicolò Maria, Cori Giulia, Corelli Maria Rosaria, Palma Margherita, Pignotti Fiorella, Shershun Olha and Grlli Maria Gabriella.

Still at the health level, some operators of the Prevention Department should arrive in a few days to resume contact tracing, interrupted since the beginning of the week by the participation of a computer scientist. A move, the one announced by the Directorate of Vast Area 5, which, however, could only alleviate the problem, because once the knot of contacts of the last days has been lost, it will be difficult to trace the different tracking chains. However, regarding the spread of the pandemic, in the municipality of Ascoli there is a small outbreak that worries Arengo employees. In fact, there are two other municipal employees who were part of the staff of the examination commissions that are conducting the tests for the competitions in the Montevecchi auditorium. All the other commissioners are waiting for the swab.

As for the school, starting today at the Liceo Classico, Liceo Linguistico and Liceo delle Scienze Umane, we will begin with the rotation of three-year classes between distance learning and face-to-face teaching. In total, 26 classes distributed in the three complexes participate. A measure that follows the ordinance of the Region. For now, however, the staggering according to the time of entry to the classroom is excluded. A measure that for the director Verna would mean many difficulties for the students, especially for those who had to do the afternoon shift and, therefore, due to the criticality of returning home due to the shortage of public transport available in the afternoon. And unfortunately, a teacher from the Via Adige plexus of Castel di Lama tested positive for Coronavirus. School personnel and families of affected students have been notified and specific information has been sent to Asur. The closure of the plexus is necessary to allow its healing.

